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object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(16) "Move Out Surveys"
  string(2281) "As the Quality Assurance Director of Preferred Corporate Housing, a nationwide corporate housing provider, my day is generally jam packed with a million and one things to review. But of all the things on my day-to-day task list, my favorite thing to do is read over the survey responses we get from our guests who have recently stayed in one of our corporate apartments. With time being such a limited commodity, I have a great sense of appreciation for the fact that people take time out of their busy lives to complete our short survey.

Even though the survey is only eight questions long, the feedback we receive from our clients give me and the rest of the staff at Preferred Corporate Housing validation for the exceptional service we strive to offer, and unlimited opportunities to improve and grow in areas where we may have missed the mark.

When I read a response that says, "I would recommend Preferred Corporate Housing to anyone who needed help with housing anywhere in the US," like the one I received yesterday, I instantly take pride in knowing that all the hard work our team does on a daily basis has not gone unnoticed. I also understand that in today's business travel, relocation, and military housing industries, the focus is often placed on the negative aspect of things, and it is very rare for someone to spend their valuable time just to say something nice.

So thank you to the numerous guests of Preferred Corporate Housing who have done just that. I would also like to thank the few of you who have given us the opportunity to reflect and improve in areas that we may have dropped the ball. Even though we strive for perfection, we understand that it just isn't possible. As Colin Powell once said, "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." As we continue on our journey to becoming the best nationwide housing company in the United States, Preferred Corporate Housing appreciates your feedback and so do I!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "May 28, 2010"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(61) "Apartment Living Safety Tips from Preferred Corporate Housing"
  string(2525) "Preferred Corporate Housing offers fully furnished, temporary apartments in more than 10,000 cities across the United States, and we would like to offer these safety tips to make sure our guests are prepared for apartment living. While we do our best to offer the safest apartments in low-crime areas, all crime and emergencies cannot be prevented. These tips will help lessen the likelihood of you becoming a target, and will help you be prepared in the event of an emergency.

1. Purchase Renter's Insurance - This will protect your belongings in the event of a fire, theft, or inclimate weather that may occur. It is also a good idea to inventory the description, serial number, and cost of your valuables. Take photos as well.

2. Lock your door - This may seem like common sense, but we've all done it. Never leave your door unlocked, even if you are just going to the mailbox, taking out the trash, or taking Fido for a short walk. Remember, criminals are looking for the easiest opportunity. Also, don't leave a spare key outside under a door mat or potted plant. Not only are these 'hiding' places easily discovered, but this is also against most Apartment Community policies.

3. Never open your door to a stranger - Ask all utility/repair men to provide identification before opening the door. If there is no peephole, have the repairman slip the ID under the door so you can check it out. If you are still uncertain, call the telephone number on the badge to verify their information.

4. Check Smoke Detectors/Alarms - Make sure they are functioning properly and that the batteries are still good. If your apartment does not have a smoke detector, or it is malfunctioning contact your apartment manager immediately.

5. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle - Because of the large amount of vehicles in one area, apartment parking lots are a target for vandalism. To avoid damage to your car, do not leave valuable items within visibility. Keep doors locked at all times and park in well lighted areas if possible.

6. Be aware of evacuation routes and information resources in the event a fire or natural disaster should affect your area. Area Emergency Planning Information, local radio stations, and non-emergency police phone numbers are good things to have on hand.

Once again, Preferred Corporate Housing strives to provide housing options in safe, low-crime communities, and we are confident that these simple tips will go a long way to ensure your safety and well-being as a guest with us."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "June 4, 2010"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(69) "Companies rely on Corporate Housing to Gain Control of Travel Budgets"
  string(1661) "A recent article posted on www.management.travel, discussed how adding corporate housing services to Corporate Travel Departments can save companies double-digit percentages and provide employees with better accommodations that offer all of the comforts of home. In the article, Michelle De Costa, global travel manager at Sapient, said that having a firmer grasp on corporate housing became a must after her company begin growing rapidly, and they increased the number of employees they were sending out for temporary projects. She said that having corporate apartments was "generally a better solution for that type of situation than an extended-stay hotel."

Typically used for a 30-day minimum stay, corporate apartments are generally less expensive, Sapient's US average daily corporate apartment rate was $91 compared with $189 for hotels, and corporate apartments offer additional amenities that create a 'home-like' feel. Corporate apartments offer fully furnished accommodations in residential areas and amenities that include full-sized kitchens with all the necessary appliances and cookware, double and sometimes triple the amount of living space of a typical hotel room, more privacy than a hotel can offer, and the ability to custom design any additional services and amenities that you might need. 

If you are a travel manager looking for additional ways to gain control of your budget, or if your company is looking to expand on its travel service offerings, explore the benefits that corporate housing can provide. Visit www.corporates.com for additional information or to request a custom housing proposal tailored to your specific needs."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "June 30, 2010"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(46) "Independence Day – Fireworks Safety Tips"
  string(1234) "We at Preferred Corporate Housing are looking forward to enjoying the onset of summer and an opportunity to honor those who came before us to give our great country the independence we will be celebrating. Most 4th of July celebrations generally involve family, friends, fun, and of course...FIREWORKS, so here are some safety tips from The National Council of Fireworks Safety:

1. Use fireworks outdoors only.
2. Obey local laws. If fireworks are not legal where you live, do not use them.
3. Always have water handy. (A hose or bucket).
4. Only use fireworks as intended. Don't try to alter them or combine them.
5. Never relight a "dud" firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
6. Use common sense. Spectators should keep a safe distance from the shooter and the shooter should wear safety glasses.
7. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Have a "designated shooter."
8. Only persons over the age of 12 should be allowed to handle sparklers of any type.
9. Do not ever use homemade fireworks of illegal explosives: They can kill you! Report illegal explosives to the fire or police department in your community.

Have a great time, remember what this holiday represents, and most of all...BE SAFE!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "July 2, 2010"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(51) "How to make your temporary apartment feel like home"
  string(2469) "Many people choose fully furnished apartments for stays of 30 days or longer as alternatives to hotel stays because they want to feel more at home. They want the extra comfort and space than a cramped, cookie-cutter hotel can offer, but if they don't do anything to personalize their furnished apartment, it can wind up feeling just as cold and cramped as the hotel they were trying to avoid. Here are some great tips on how to make your temporary furnished apartment feel less like a hotel room and more like your home.

Tip # 1: Rearrange the furniture - When the furniture company delivers your items, they will do their best to arrange the items according to the space, but they don't know your routine or preferences. Instead of placing that comfy chair in front of the television, you may prefer that the chair be by the window because that's where you like to read. You may want your bed up against a wall instead of in the middle of the room. As long as you are careful not to damage any of the furniture or walls, there is no reason not to design the space according to your preferences.

Tip # 2: Display photos of family and friends - Bring along some framed pictures of your loved ones and place them throughout your apartment. There are many products available that will allow you to hang things without damaging the wall, and you can also utilize your refrigerator to display your children's pictures and artwork. Having familiar items like these will make the space feel more personal.

Tip # 3: Unpack your suitcase - Even though your apartment may be temporary, take advantage of the dresser and night stand! If you are constantly living out of your suitcase, you can never fully relax because it won't feel like home. 

Tip # 4: Buy some house plants - Studies show that house plants can reduce stress, fight off toxins, and even boost energy! Go to the local home improvement store and find plants that are easy to maintain. http://www.prevention.com/houseplants/

Tip # 5: Maintain your routines - If you always have Taco Night on Tuesday, or practice Yoga every morning, keep up with those important routines. The familiarity of routines will allow you to feel comfortable in your surroundings.

Even though you would rather be at your actual home, sometimes it just isn't possible. Although you may be 500+ miles away, implementing these five tips can make your temporary apartment feel like home....or at least a little closer to it! "
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(18) "September 20, 2010"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(43) "Acclimating your pet to your temporary home"
  string(565) "I previously posted an article about ways to make you feel at home in your temporary apartment, so it is only fitting that the follow up article is about ways to make your pets feel at home in your temporary apartment as well. 

One of the many reasons people choose corporate apartments over hotels for things such as relocations, temporary assignments, or any other need that requires a stay of 30 days or longer is the ability to bring along the family pets. Unfortunately, if you don't take the necessary steps to acclimate your pets to their new surroundings"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(18) "September 24, 2010"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(59) "Customer Service Week 2010 – October 4th – 10th"
  string(2610) "October 4th - 10th will mark the 8th annual National Customer Service Week. Preferred Corporate Housing is celebrating this week by honoring our outstanding Customer Service Department! We also want to emphasize our commitment to providing the best quality temporary housing solutions accompanied by the highest level of customer service in the industry. Read below to find out what SERVICE means to us!

S is for Selfless - We will be attentive to customer requests, regardless of other priorities. We will demonstrate our abilities through our conduct, conversations, and results.

E is for Ethical - We will act with integrity and a sense of duty and obligation to our customers and will always be accountable for our actions.

R is for Respectful - We will treat our customers as we wish to be treated and ensure that every interaction is conducted in a pleasant and professional manner.

V is for Versatile - We will be resourceful and capable of performing a variety of tasks in order to get the job done, regardless of our job description.

I is for Innovative - We will identify ways to continuously improve our processes and policies to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. We will welcome customer feedback as a means to improve the services we provide.

C is for Communication - We will actively listen to our customers and respond in a clear and concise manner. We will communicate through available resources, providing accurate information in a manner that is easy to understand.

E is for Encouraging - We will support employee creativity and teamwork to promote an open and collaborative work environment that encourages employees to excel in every aspect of their jobs, including customer service.

At Preferred Corporate Housing, we are committed to our goal of providing the best nationwide temporary housing options along with the highest level of customer service in the industry. We look forward to any opportunity to showcase what SERVICE means to us!

About Preferred Corporate Housing:
Preferred Corporate Housing (corporates.com) is the premier, nationwide extended-stay lodging partner for relocating employees, temporary assignments, recurring projects, and corporate training programs. Corporations and human resource managers turn to Preferred Corporate Housing to take advantage of cost-efficient, fully furnished apartments, accompanied by online inventory management tools, dedicated personal account teams, and service to more than 14,000 cities. PCH is your permanent solution for temporary housing nationwide! (800) 960-0102, corporates.com.

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "October 5, 2010"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(59) "‘Trick or Treating’ in your Apartment Community"
  string(1454) "If you thought trick-or-treating was just for people who live in houses, think again. Actually, this Halloween tradition can be fun for apartment dwellers too! Some apartment communities even organize resident 'block' parties and other events to get neighbors involved. Here are some tips about how to enjoy this spooky Halloween season in your apartment community and how to prepare for the trick-or-treaters that will knock on your door.

Tip # 1: Visit your apartment's management office to find out if anyone is organizing any community events. This is a great time to get to know your neighbors and show off your costume!

Tip# 2: Find out if your apartment community has any rules regarding trick-or-treating. Some communities will have sign up sheets for those that want to participate in trick-or-treating. They might also provide you with door decor to signify that yours is a 'trick-or-treat-friendly' apartment.

Tip # 3: Keep your pets away. Dogs and cats may need to be confined to a bedroom during trick-or-treating so as not to scare the children, and to keep pets from escaping.

Tip # 4: Offer only pre-packaged treats. Avoid offering home-baked goodies. And don't forget that treats don't always have to be edible. Offer candy alternatives like stickers, coloring books, etc for children who may have food allergies.

Halloween can be just as fun from your apartment, but remember to follow these tips and always play it safe!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "October 5, 2010"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(62) "Celebrate Veteran’s Day with Preferred Corporate Housing"
  string(1796) "Every year, Preferred Corporate Housing tries to find some way to thank our Veteran's for their service to our country. Veterans make up a large percentage of our clients, so it is extremely important for us to let them know how grateful we are for their sacrifice and dedication. This year, we are inviting veterans who are current guests in any of our fully furnished apartments around the country to call our office at (800) 960-0102 to redeem a small token of thanks from the staff at Preferred Corporate Housing. Please ask for Michelle Velasquez.

We also want to invite everyone out there to take part in a Veteran's Day celebration as well, so we've compiled a list of things you can do to honor our brave service men and women on November 11. 

-Attend a Veteran's Day program/parade in your community. Many communities have organized activities that are sponsored by the local VFW as well as student-led school programs that are often open to the public.

-Take part in a flag-raising ceremony. If your office or apartment building has a flag pole, organize a gathering of co-workers/neighbors to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the National Anthem together. 

-Participate in a moment of silence in remembrance of those who have given their lives for their country. Invite your family, coworkers, neighbors, and friends to observe a moment of silence as well. A national moment of silence is usually observed at 11:00am (EST).

-Take your children to visit a Veteran's hospital, or encourage them to send a letter of thanks to a Veteran.

On November 11th, we hope you will take a few moments out of your day to get involved in a celebration of Veteran's Day in your area. The servicemen and women who have sacrificed so much for our country deserve our gratitude."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "November 8, 2010"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(35) "2013 – Its Been a Great Year!"
  string(1924) "As 2013 comes to a close, we'd like to reflect on what a great year we've had at Preferred Corporate Housing. This past year, Preferred Corporate Housing was presented with numerous awards and honors including the most recent ranking by the Houston Business Journal as 15th on the list of 'Best Places to Work in Houston!' This award was especially meaningful for us because our team members are ultimately responsible for all our success.

We were also thrilled to join the list of companies who added jobs in 2013. PCH expanded our reach in 2013, allowing us to add valuable positions to our current team. Since 1996, PCH has never down-sized or scaled back. We are proud to add 2013 to that streak! 

Though we are extremely grateful and honored for the successes we've had this past year, the recognition we are most grateful for are the comments we hear on a daily basis from our guests! Here are a few words from some of our guests regarding their stay with us in 2013:

"I just wanted to commend you for the great job on my apartment. My wife was very pleased with how well the unit was decorated, the choice of furniture, and how easy it was to get settled in. Kudos to your entire team." - Mark B. - State College, PA 

"You are awesome!! I will surely be using PCH again as well as passing the word about you to my co-workers! You Rock!" - Frank W. - San Diego, CA 

"I would recommend PCH to anyone who manages temporary housing for their employees. I have used other companies in the past, but the service and support I receive from the staff at PCH is unsurpassed." - Kelly S. - Minot, ND

As we look forward to 2014, we are excited about the great things that are in store for Preferred Corporate Housing. We will celebrate our 18th Anniversary next year, and couldn't be happier about the outstanding team we've built. To all our friends and family, Happy Holidays and have a wonderful New Year!  "
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "December 9, 2013"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(51) "A Season of Giving from Preferred Corporate Housing"
  string(2537) "Preferred Corporate Housing donates $21.5K to national and local charities in partnership with clients participating in its ‘Preferred Charity Helpers’ program.

Third quarter participation in Preferred Corporate Housing’s ‘Preferred Charity Helpers’ program exceeded all previous quarters, and resulted in a donation total of $21,421.70. This industry-leading initiative began as a way to get Preferred’s national clients involved in community and philanthropic endeavors in partnership with PCH. The program’s success has allowed PCH to donate a total of $52.5K in 2013 to national and local charities.

Through the “Preferred Charity Helpers’ Program, PCH donates a portion of each new furnished apartment lease to their clients’ chosen charity organization. “Our clients have really jumped on board with this opportunity to support their favorite causes,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services for PCH. “Some clients have elected to donate to national charities like Habitat for Humanity, St. Judes Childrens Cancer Research Hospital, and the ASPCA, while others have allowed us to make donations on their behalf to their local charity organizations like food pantries and shelters. We give our clients the option to select whichever charity they prefer to support through this program,” said Velasquez.

“We have been pleasantly surprised at the initial responses we’ve received from our clients who are invited to participate in this program,” said Samantha Elliott, President of PCH. “I really the opportunity to give back on our clients’ behalf, especially to those charity organizations that mean so much to them.”

As we wind down 2013, we will make our final Preferred Charity Helpers donation. Though final tallies have not been made, we anticipate the fourth quarter donation to bring our 2013 total to more than $65,000 with the support and partnership of our national clients. 

About PCH:
Preferred Corporate Housing is the premier, nationwide extended-stay lodging partner for relocating employees, temporary assignments, recurring projects, and corporate training programs. Corporations, government agencies and travel managers turn to Preferred Corporate Housing to take advantage of cost-efficient, fully furnished apartments accompanied by online inventory management tools, dedicated personal account teams and service to more than 42,000 locations. PCH is your permanent solution for temporary housing nationwide! (800) 960-0102, www.corporates.com"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "December 17, 2013"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(46) "7 Tips for Safe and Stress-Free Holiday Travel"
  string(3090) "Everyone knows that winter and holiday travel can be extremely stressful, and like most, I tend to forget basic common sense when I am in extremely stressful situations. The team at Preferred Corporate Housing want everyone to enjoy their holiday trips, so we've compiled a list of tips for those of you who will be leaving home during this time of hustle and bustle.

1. If you are leaving your home for an extended period of time, consider hiring a home-sitter. If you have trusted neighbors who will be home for the holidays, enlist their help in keeping an eye on your place while you are gone. If you live in an apartment, contact your PCH Account Manager to let them know when you will be away, and also speak to the onsite office staff as well. Many communities offer complimentary plant watering and dog walking services, so check in with them before you leave.

2. Lock up - This seems so obvious, but hey…we've all got a lot on our minds during this season of hustle and bustle. Locking your home makes it less attractive to opportunistic burglars. If you don't make it easy, there's a better chance that when you get home, your house will be in the same condition as when you left it.

3. Be cautious with your social media posts - Don't broadcast your whereabouts on Facebook or Twitter at every stop you make. Although we would like to think that our connections on social media are friends and acquaintances, we don't need everyone to know that we are away from our home.

4. If you are traveling by plane, plan to leave your home at least an hour earlier than usual. Winter weather, holiday shopping traffic and forgetting to pack Aunt Mildred's gift can all result in delays to your schedule. If you start out with extra time, you are less likely to turn into a super stress ball when something unexpected pops up.

5. Stay hydrated for your journey - Another one of those tips that seems so simple, but is often overlooked. Even slight dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased alertness which sounds like a recipe for disaster on your holiday trip. Remember to drink plenty of water as often as you can.

6. If you are driving to your holiday destination - pack a winter car safety kit. Cell phone, car charger, ice scraper, tow rope, jumper cables, cat littler (helps to provide traction in the snow), blankets, crank-powered flashlights, matches, emergency candles, first aid kit, portable radio, granola bars or other snacks and a good book in case you do get stuck. Recent unexpected snow storms in Dallas caused people to be stuck in their cars on the freeway for 30+ hours. Make sure you are prepared if something like that were to happen to you.

7. Don't forget to pack a smile! This is one of those rainbows and flowers type tips, but it really does help. If you start your trip with a smile and try very hard to keep it there, you are more likely to enjoy yourself. Don't sweat the small stuff, find humor in every situation and enjoy the journey!

From all of us at Preferred Corporate Housing, we wish you safe travels and Happy Holidays!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "December 23, 2013"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(36) "Top 5 Places to Ring in the New Year"
  string(3892) "Preferred Corporate Housing has some exciting things planned for 2014, so we want to be sure to start this year off with a bang! We've put together a list of our favorite places to party on New Year's Eve, so get out the party hats, champaign and noise-makers and head to one of these top 5 places to welcome 2014 and ring in a new year!

5. Key West, FL - Duval Street:key west If the bone-chilling cold of Times Square's ball drop has you shivering, you can head south to the famous Sloppy Joe's Bar to watch a gigantic conch shell work its way down at midnight! There is no place better than Key West to ring the new year in! Duval Street is closed to traffic which allows the tens of thousands of party goers to celebrate and the weather is warm and dry!

4. Las Vegas, NV - The Strip:Vegas NYE Being one of the wildest party places on earth on any given weekend, it only makes sense that Vegas should have a rocking New Year's Eve celebration as well. The Strip fills with revelers. Fireworks light up the sky. The casinos are body-to-body, the showrooms filled with A-list entertainers and Vegas is more gloriously alive than you've ever seen it. New Year's Eve in Vegas is a world-class celebration. 

3. Boston, MA - Downtown:boston This is a celebration for the whole family at Boston's 'First Night' attraction. The event has grown to more than 250 exhibitions and performances by artists from across the globe. Stand with the city as chants of 'Boston Strong' resound through the streets! The party starts at 1pm on NYE and lasts till next year!

2. New Orleans, LA - Bourbon Street:bourbon street This popular party spot has earned its reputation from the annual Mardi Gras celebration that takes place here in February. For New Year's Eve revelers can enjoy drinks and merriment up and down the street all night long. Enjoy live music and great food, then head down to Jackson Square for the official countdown.

1. New York, NY - Times Square:new york This New Year's Eve location may be a bit cliche, but its so festive that it must be experienced at lease once in a lifetime. From the iconic ball drop at One Times Square to Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest, it is a New Year's celebration you won't soon forget. Get there early to claim a spot and dress warm!

No matter where you decide to celebrate the start of 2014, Preferred Corporate Housing wants to remind everyone to be safe and drink responsibly. PCH wishes everyone joyous celebrations and a prosperous New Year!!

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "December 30, 2013"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(45) "2014 – PCH New Year’s Resolutions"
  string(2874) "Coming off such a successful 2013 year, it would be easy for us to just continue doing exactly what we've been doing and probably be okay. But at PCH, we don't strive for "okay." We want excellence, we want to be the best!  So in order to ensure our success and commit to being 'Your Permanent Solution for Temporary Housing Nationwide,' we've made a few New Year's Resolutions as a company to make 2014 even better than 2013.

Resolution #1: Treat our Clients more like guests in our home
We offer our fully furnished apartments as a more home-like alternative to cramped hotel stays. We include all the furnishings, housewares, and services that make up a corporate apartment, but in 2014, we are resolving to do a better job making each guest feel more at home when they arrive. By offering concierge services, customized local area information, and spending more time getting to know each client we hope each person who stays in a PCH apartment feels like our special guest

Resolution #2: Learn more about what our clients want
At PCH, we know that the most important thing you can do to have a mutually beneficial relationship with your clients is to consistently ask them what they want, and how we can be better. Too many companies think they know what their clients need but really don't know because they never ask them. We resolve to ask more often, and more importantly, LISTEN to their answers.

Resolution #3: Make it easy for clients to offer feedback
Client feedback is the most important resource we have. It lets us know how we are doing on a day-to-day basis. We know that our clients are extremely busy and don't want to spend too much time completing mindless surveys, so we resolve to make it easy and convenient for our clients to reach out to us with their feedback and suggestions for improvement. We will let them reach out to us when, where and how they want to. We will develop as many ways to open the lines of communication as possible.

Resolution #4: Have fun
If you've met us in person or ever worked closely with our team, you know that we love to have fun as a company. We work hard together and we love one another like family! We know that companies, like ours, that enjoy tremendous client loyalty offer their clients something they can't get anywhere else: FUN! We resolve to provide our clients and guests an unexpected, positive experience; to have fun with them! We will continue to find ways to bring fun and joy into our work, and we will bring our clients along for the ride!

Overall, we resolve to learn from the past 12 months and look forward to the next 12. We will continuously strive to offer the best service at the lowest price, and hope that as we keep our 2014 New Year's Resolutions you will continue to think of Preferred Corporate Housing as "Your Permanent Solution for Temporary Housing Nationwide!""
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "January 7, 2014"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(56) "Tips to Overcome the Mid-Winter Work ‘Blahs’"
  string(2987) "winter work bluesThese tips were taken from a Forbes.com post written by Lisa Quast.

“I’m beginning to wonder if this grey winter weather is ever going to end,” remarked the woman in front of me as we waited in line at the coffee shop. “I just feel so blah. I don’t think I could make it through the work day without coffee,” she added.

Sound familiar? Unfortunately, the feelings that come from a prolonged lack of sun during the winter can get especially terrible, causing many people to lose steam at work. Need a pick-me-up to take you from ho-hum to energized at the office? Try these six simple tips:

Get moving. Let’s face it – most Americans don’t get enough exercise, so skip the elevator and use the stairs, park further away from the office and ask a co-worker to go for a walk during lunch (bundle up first). Get moving to increase energy and creativity.

Seek the sun. Winters mean short days and not a lot of sunlight, which can lead to a lack of vitamin D. It turns out 41.6% of U.S. adults are deficient in vitamin D, which is important in everything from regulating the immune system to keeping the brain functioning well. Talk to your doctor about checking your levels to see if you should add a supplement to your daily routine.

Laugh more. “Although we can’t yet say that a certain number of laughs every day will keep the doctor away, studies show that people who say they laugh a lot also tend to be in good health and generally feel well,” states Madeline Vann, MPH. Go ahead! Laugh with co-workers and share those funny stories before or after meetings (just keep them “G” rated).

Get more zzzs. Feel like napping at 2 p.m. each day? Studies reveal that nearly 20% of Americans get less than six hours of sleep per night. To improve your energy, health and immune system, sleep expert Dr. Ranit Mishori recommends seven to nine hours of sleep every night for adults.

Set a challenging goal. University professors Edwin Locke and Gary Latham studied 35 years of goal-setting and task-motivation research and found “that the highest or most difficult goals produced the highest levels of effort and performance.” To get motivated… challenge yourself.

Express gratitude. Being grateful increases happiness and motivation. Take some time each day to write down things that make you thankful. After following this process for a few weeks, people generally “feel better about themselves, have more energy and feel more alert,” says Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher at the University of California at Davis."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "February 3, 2014"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(96) "Show the ‘Love’ to your Team – An Excerpt from PCH’s February Newsletter"
  string(2514) "praiseWe've previously referenced this great article by Ross McCammon titled, "The Power of Praise in Business- and How to Do it Right." Since February is the month of love, we thought it was fitting to recap some of the main points of as a reminder to 'show the love' to your employees as well. You can find a link to the entire article by visiting our Facebook page ( PCH Facebook Page ), but here are our favorite points:

Why praise is important:
A 2010 Harvard Business Review study found that a 0.1 percent increase in employee engagement drove $100,000 in operating income to the bottom line (study was done on Best Buy Stores). Of all the various factors that can contribute to employee engagement, the study also found that simple recognition was the single most important factor.

How to give praise:
The article suggests that you should always balance praise with constructive feedback. "Recall a particular situation and describe a specific behavior." Use these 3 guidelines:

    Do it now - the closer the recognition is to the behavior, the more likely it will be repeated.
    Do it often - The more you message what's important to you, the people will focus on that.
    Be Specific & Sincere.

Key Technical Matters: 

The following list of praise guidelines is taken word for word from the article and was the source of many 'LOL' moments for me, so I've included it in its entirety:

    Praise should not begin with the phrase "You da...."
    Ending an expression of praise with "...and stuff" nullifies the praise
    Ending an expression of praise with "...now get back to work" also nullifies the praise
    In ascending order of forcefulness: e-mail, face-to-face conversation, handwritten note, bear hug
    No bear hugs!!
    A handwritten note is worth more than a $100 gift card
    But probably not more than a $200 gift card
    Go easy on the superlatives: "hardest-working," "most glorious," "awesomest," "best-smelling," etc
    Praise followed by criticism is not praise
    Praise followed by praise is probably a little too much praise
    Praise followed by criticism followed by praise is a sandwich   

To read the entire article, visit: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/222573"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "February 10, 2014"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(131) "Preferred Corporate Housing Director wins Tower of Excellence Award at Corporate Housing Provider’s Association Annual Conference"
  string(2814) "[caption width="492" align="alignnone"] Michelle Velasquez, CCHP
Director of Client Services - Preferred Corporate Housing[/caption] The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA), the professional trade association exclusively dedicated to supporting corporate housing professionals around the world, held its annual Tower of Excellence Awards luncheon in conjunction with its National Conference in New Orleans last week. The Tower of Excellence Awards recognize success and achievement from within the corporate housing industry, and members from around the world come together to honor their peers and industry leaders.

Preferred Corporate Housing’s Director of Client Services, Michelle Velasquez, CCHP, was honored to receive the Tower of Excellence Award for ‘Volunteer of the Year.’ This award recognizes outstanding members who lend themselves to service and expansion of CHPA and the corporate housing industry, and it acknowledges diligence and service dedication. Velasquez’s active involvement with the National and Regional Conference Planning Committees, Program Task Force and NextGen Task Force led to her win for Volunteer of the Year.

“CHPA is a great organization with such amazing people. It is so easy to get involved, and it is very fulfilling to see the work we all put in result in industry-wide success,” said Velasquez. “I am very honored to win this award, and I am grateful to work for a company like Preferred Corporate Housing that allows me to get involved with organizations like CHPA.”

About Preferred Corporate Housing:
Preferred Corporate Housing is the premier, North American temporary lodging provider for corporate/government relocation programs, extended travel assignments and other corporate travel needs. Since 1996, Preferred Corporate Housing has built a unique model for providing housing solutions in more than 42,000 locations across the US and Canada, specializing in remote destinations and third-tier cities. PCH takes pride in its ability to provide furnished lodging solutions exactly where clients need them, when they need them. Multiple options are available at every budgetary level, making PCH a great partner for any relocation program.

About CHPA:
The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is the only trade association dedicated to the corporate housing industry. As the industry continually evolves, members gain insight and resources on how to stay competitive through their involvement with CHPA. CHPA, as the voice of the corporate housing industry, offers networking, educational and informational opportunities to corporate housing providers around the world."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "March 3, 2014"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(55) "Corporate Housing Rate Increase Offsets Slight Declines"
  string(3134) "Supply and DemandThe Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) released the annual 2014 Corporate Housing Industry Report, highlighting the industry’s key performance indicators for North America, along with market-specific information in fifty US metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) and five Canadian markets. Overall, the corporate housing industry remains steady despite a challenging business climate. Despite an increase in units owned by corporate housing providers, the supply of US corporate housing units declined in 2013 compared to 2012.

“Corporate housing providers again had difficulty finding inventory in 2013,” remarks CHPA Chairman Pam Wade, CCHP, of Gables Corporate Accommodations. “For the second successive year, residential apartment demand growth exceeded the change in supply, lowering vacancy and making it difficult for corporate housing providers to get units with acceptable rental terms.” 

The US corporate housing occupancy fell slightly in 2013 as average rate increased in line with rate gains for the overall hotel industry. Overall, rate growth almost offset the declines in unit numbers and occupancy. US corporate housing room revenues were $2.48 billion in 2013, less than a 0.5% decrease from 2012.

“This is a critical report for corporate housing providers and related industries. It allows companies to make informed decisions based on real data and be more successful,” says CHPA CEO, Mary Ann Passi, CAE. “The data provides a concise reference document for boards, investors, banking officials and others to validate the industry.” 

For the third successive year, relocation was the largest reason for using corporate housing in the US and the second highest reason in Canada. Technology and professional services are the largest generators of corporate housing demand by industry. The biggest difference between demand generators in 2013 and 2012 was the decrease in government/military usage which has been significantly impacted by travel cutbacks.

Overall, the corporate housing industry remains stable. Highlights include:

US corporate housing revenues were $2.48 billion in 2013, down slightly from 2012’s $2.49 billion.

Per survey respondents, US corporate housing inventory is estimated at over 56,000 rental units, with the Canadian market at approximately 7,600 rental units.

Occupancy in the United States was down slightly to 88.1%, while Canadian providers saw occupancy decline to 81.7%.

Relocation continues to be the main reason for client stays in the United States, with project/training the major reason Canadian clients stay in units. Relocation is a close second in Canada.

Average Daily Rate increased approximately $5 in the US and decreased almost $8 in Canada.

Posted on May 14, 2014 to www.chpaonline.org by Amanda Cook"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "June 5, 2014"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(30) "25 Ways to Lose Weight at Work"
  string(957) "Article written by Hollis Templeton, Contributing Writer for Fitbie

Summer is here, which means its time for swimsuits, shorts, and sundresses! But if you are like most people, becoming a slave to a swivel chair and a computer screen may have sent you home with a little extra dough during those winter months-and we don't mean in your paycheck. Forty-four percent of the workforce says they have put on weight while at their current jobs, according to a 2010 CareerBuilder survey of more than 4,800 working Americans. Respondents cited sitting at a desk all day (49%), stress (42%), and eating out regularly (25%) as key contributors to expanding waistlines. While you could put a pricey treadmill desk at the top of your workplace wish list, making small changes to the way you work can yield big results if you're consistent. Here are 25 easy ways to torch calories and make healthy decisions when you're at the printer, out to lunch, or on the phone.

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "June 5, 2014"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(62) "PCH Team Members Earn 100 Continuing Education Credits in 2014"
  string(2874) "Education OpportunityPreferred Corporate Housing was one of only three temporary housing providers who exhibited its national furnished lodging services at last month’s Worldwide Employee Relocation Council - National Relocation Conference, and in addition to exhibiting, PCH team members participated in the highly regarded educational sessions presented by some of the relocation industry’s foremost experts. Education session topics included data protection best practices, talent management integration, flexible approaches to traditional relocation programs, women in leadership and an industry all-stars executive panel. At the close of this event, PCH reached its goal of earning 100 continuing education credits as a team during the 2014 fiscal year. “We set an education target last year as a way to quantify and measure our team’s engagement and investment in their personal success with PCH and their overall professional development,” said Jon Lanclos, CRP, CCHP - Founder of Preferred Corporate Housing. “We did not anticipate how quickly we would reach the goal.”

“Preferred Corporate Housing has always placed an emphasis on employee certifications/designations and the continuing education requirements needed to maintain them,” said Megan Margetusakis, CCHP - Director of Operations for PCH. “Any opportunities that allow our team members to grow professionally or to increase their knowledge-base of a particular industry ultimately improves the services we provide for our clients,” said Margetusakis.

PCH participates in education opportunities throughout various industries including project management, human resources/talent management, relocation and corporate housing. Several team members hold individual designations throughout these industries including Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) and Certified Corporate Housing Professional (CCHP). PCH’s participation and support of organizations like the Worldwide ERC provide its team members invaluable opportunities for connecting with existing clients, and most importantly, education opportunities that help expand expertise in the global mobility space. “We find tremendous value in learning from our clients, peers and fellow service providers,” said Samantha Elliott, CRP, CCHP - President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “Its not enough to just attend and sell our services at events like this. We invest the time and resources in attending each session to continuously increase our knowledge of what matters most to our clients,” said Elliott."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "June 5, 2014"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(59) "Things You Say in Work Emails….And What They Really Mean!"
  string(2063) "Email mistakeIn the corporate housing business, we send thousands of emails a day. Last week, one of our team members came across a post on her Facebook feed that provided new insight about business emails and how to decipher the true meaning behind what gets typed back and forth. We loved it so much that we wanted to share it! 

Here are 13 things you say in work emails, and what they really mean:

1. "I'm wondering if I could pick your brain about something…" Translation: "Help me please!! I am dying over here!"

2. "Looking forward to your thoughts!"  Translation: "Respond to me ASAP, I'm under a deadline!"

3. "Just wanted to follow up.."  Translation: "Why the heck haven't you responded yet?!"

4. "Let's circle back on this."  Translation: "I can't deal with you right now."

5. "Great! (with 1 exclamation point). Translation: "Sure, whatever."

6. "Great!! (with 2 exclamation points). Translation: "I agree, and I want you to like me."

7. "Great!!!!!! (with 3+ exclamation points). Translation: Either I am desperately wanting you to like me, or I have just had my fourth cup of coffee."

8. "Great." (with no exclamation points). Translation: "I hate you."

9. "Best" Translation: "We don't know each other and probably never will."

10. The one-initial sign-off, "-M" Translation: "I am the coolest person you know."

11. "Regards" Translation: "I am over 40."

12. "I know you're busy…" Translation: "You never respond to me so I'm going to make you feel bad about it."

13. "I'll let you know if anything comes up." Translation: "I already forgot what you were asking me."

You can find the complete (unedited) list at http://thoughtcatalog.com/jordan-lee/2014/05/21-things-you-say-in-work-emails-and-what-they-really-mean/

  string(76) "https://corporates.com/blog-old/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Email-mistake.jpg"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "June 9, 2014"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(31) "Overcoming the Post-Vacay Blues"
  string(783) "Summer vacations are awesome! Whether you've taken a summer getaway to an exotic island, a family trip to one of the Disney parks or even a "stay-cation" in your own backyard you know that coming back to work after time away can cause enough stress to need another vacation. A colleague of mine said, "Coming back to work after a vacation is like a Monday on steroids." Not only are your emails and daily tasks piled up, but if you've just spent the last week laying on the beach sipping pina coladas, its pretty hard to switch back to the office chair/cubicle mentality. Here are some tips to help you ease back into reality and productivity after your summer vacation.

Give yourself time to decompress
When you are planning your trip, schedule an extra day off 

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 17, 2014"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(54) "Don’t Fall Prey to the Summer Productivity Slump"
  string(2949) "summer slackingAccording to a survey done by the Captivate Network, workplace productivity tumbles about 20% in the summertime. Of the 600 workers surveyed throughout various industries, most of us feel distracted, we take longer to complete projects, go on longer lunch breaks, and even have a drop in workplace attendance.  You may be less productive because you’re distracted by summer activities or the fact that business has slowed. Maybe your managers and colleagues are on vacation so your normal hustle and bustle office environment is quieter than normal. Whatever the reason, Here are 5 things you can do to boost your productivity at work this summer.

Adjust the thermostat
I know it sounds silly, but research has proven that if the temperature inside your office is too high or too low, your productivity can suffer. Citing research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it states the optimal office temperature is between 70 and 72 degrees (Fahrenheit). For every degree over 77 degrees, productivity drops by 2%, and below 68%, error rates increase dramatically. They also found that 10% of employees also waste time arguing over the office temperature, so if everyone could just agree on 70 to 72 degrees, we would all be more productive.

If there’s no work, find some
If you’re not productive simply because things around the office are slow, use this time to get a jump start on upcoming projects or new initiatives that might take more time to launch. The longer you wait for things to pick back up, the longer it will take for things to pick back up.

Switch up your routine, or the scenery
If work is starting to feel a little stale, you may be able to kick-start simply by changing your routine or environment. Try getting outside more during the workday. Go for a walk or have meetings outside. Or if you tend to do the same things at work in a set order, consider switching things up. The summer is a great time to start a new task and challenge yourself.

Don’t fall prey to lowering  your output
Managers most-likely won’t accept poor performance because it’s a slower time of year. As long as your are getting your paycheck, your boss is assuming you are working to the best of your ability, regardless if others are vacationing at the beach.

Don’t think showing up equates to productivity
Just keep in mind that achievements trump hours spent. Just because you are in the office for the required eight hours doesn’t mean you’ve done your job. The summer is not a ticket for slacking off, so don’t do it!
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 21, 2014"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(32) "It’s a Woman’s World"
  string(6087) "women managing womenI recently came across an article published by Inc. Magazine titled “Women Managing Women.” It was written by Nan Mooney in March of 2006. Since Preferred Corporate Housing is a certified woman-owned business, and females make up 91% of our team members, naturally this article piqued my interest.
With the exception of the now outdated Census Bureau statistics, I was pleasantly surprised at how relevant this article still is even though it was published more than 8 years ago. Women employees and leaders make up a large percentage of the corporate housing, relocation and multi-family apartment industries, and I know we can all benefit from advice on how to navigate through the often tough terrain of women managing women. Here is the article in its entirety.

Women Managing Women - by Nan Mooney
Just because a woman business owner hires other women doesn't mean everyone will magically get along. Here are a few of the more common problems women encounter when managing other women, and how to avoid them.

The latest Census Bureau statistics reveal that women owned businesses are hotter than ever. Between 1997 and 2002 women started businesses at twice the national rate. Women-owned businesses with more than $1 million in revenue went up by 18% and those with more than 100 employees went up by 10%.

One upshot of all this growth is that now there are more women in leadership positions than ever. Whether they head their division or head the whole company, these women are in a position to do something they may have wanted to do for a long time. Hire other women.

Women like working with other smart, savvy women. There's often less ego involved and more willingness to collaborate. As woman leaders, we can create a culture where success doesn't have to mean trying to become "one of the guys." But our idealistic visions of women working together do not always translate smoothly into practice. There's no guarantee that just because we hire other women, everyone will magically get along. Here are a few of the more common problem areas we can encounter:

Boss or Buddy?
When Giselle became Editor-in-Chief of a new women's magazine, she told her all female staff that they had a say in every editorial decision and that her door was always open no matter how small the concern or how late the hour. "I didn't want them to see me as the big bad boss," she explained. "I wanted them to like me."

Instead, Giselle created an environment in which there was too little structure. Employees took her open door policy literally and dropped in to chat about personal problems or petty disagreements they should have been able to resolve on their own. Even worse, when Giselle made executive decisions her staff seemed to resent her adopting any authority.

Just because we're in leadership positions doesn't mean we stop wanting people to like us. Women are raised to always be nice and nurturing to other women and, like Giselle, we can be wary of coming across as too tough or power hungry. But part of your responsibility as a leader is to call the shots. If employees see you as their best buddy, it can be confusing when you start telling them what to do or calling them on their mistakes. Try envisioning yourself as a leader who is respected by her employees rather than seeking unconditional love.

Banning the Micromanager
Many women abandon the traditional corporate world because they're sick of a macho work culture where they have to do twice as much to prove themselves while someone's always looking over their shoulder waiting for them to screw up. But once on our own, it can be difficult to relax these hyper-vigilant standards. This can be especially true with your own business, where everything that goes out the door has your name attached. But you're going to have to learn to let go.

We'll assume you've hired competent, innovative women to work under you. If you insist on supervising every last detail, you're sending the message that you don't trust them to handle anything on their own. That's a sure way to breed apathy, or even worse, resentment. Because women are often more attuned to relationships and more sensitive to feedback, they can be especially prone to interpreting your micromanaging as criticism. It's worth the risk to give them some autonomy and even allow them to make the occasional mistake. They'll work harder if they feel like their input matters.

Work-Family Issues
It would be nice if all things were equal on the work-family front -- if men took on just as many domestic responsibilities and were just as eager for maternity leave and flexible working schedules. But we all know this isn't true. Women are still the primary care givers and they expect female bosses and employers to be more sensitive towards this struggle to balance work and family lives.

Before you institute policies, talk to your employees about what they need and be clear in your own head about what is possible from a financial standpoint. Be as generous and as creative as you can. Women with less personal stress make happier and more productive employees. But also be realistic about what the business can support. One of the worst things you can do in this department is make promises you can't keep.

Above all, women leaders owe it to their female employees to practice what they preach. A charismatic, well-adjusted woman at the top goes a long ways towards creating a healthy office atmosphere. When powerful and highly visible women are seen helping other women by implementing women-friendly policies, acting as mentors and role models, or simply honoring their word, they set a standard for everyone else to come."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 21, 2014"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(30) "How to Stay Sane Post Vacation"
  string(3504) "work after vacaySummer vacations are awesome! Whether you've taken a summer getaway to an exotic island, a family trip to one of the Disney parks or even a "stay-cation" in your own backyard you know that coming back to work after time away can cause enough stress to need another vacation. A colleague of mine said, "Coming back to work after a vacation is like a Monday on steroids." Not only are your emails and daily tasks piled up, but if you've just spent the last week laying on the beach sipping pina coladas, its pretty hard to switch back to the office chair/cubicle mentality. Here are some tips to help you ease back into reality and productivity after your summer vacation.

Give yourself time to decompress
When you are planning your trip, schedule an extra day off on the back end of your vacation before returning back to the office. Give yourself time to unpack, do laundry and grocery shop. Taking care of these types of chores will make you feel better prepared to return to your routine. And if you can't take that extra day off, don't overbook yourself with meetings and commitments on your first few days back. Easing back into work mode from vacation mode can help save you from being distracted or unmotivated.

Plan your return
Even without a vacation, returning to the office on Monday after the weekend can be stressful. If Mondays are usually tough days for you, try returning from your vacation in the middle of the week instead. All the craziness of Monday will be long gone and it will be easier to ease back into your routine.

Beware of multi-tasking
When you've been gone from work on vacation, coming back to the office can be jarring. You have an inbox full of emails, backlogged tasks that need completing, clients that need attention as well as all your other usual day-to-day responsibilities. Your first instinct is to try to get through everything as quick as possible, but all the multi-tasking will only stress you out more. Use the Now/Soon/Later technique to prioritize your tasks and complete them accordingly. Take things one step at a time as to not to get overwhelmed. Focusing on a singular task will ensure you complete it correctly so you don't have to revisit it later.

Get back into your routines
The best way to get back into work mode is to get back into your work routine. If you go to the gym every morning before heading in to the office, start that back up as quickly as possible. If you have scheduled weekly meetings, don't put those off till you get caught up. By postponing your regularly scheduled activities, it will take you longer to get caught up, and it will be more difficult to get out of vacation-mode.

Tell the story all at once
If you were fortunate enough to visit an exotic destination, visit long-lost relatives, or just have an interesting vacation story to tell, you’ll probably want to share it with your co-workers. And they’ll probably want to hear it. To avoid telling the story over and overagain, offer to share your story and pictures at lunch. You’ll save yourself a lot of time, but you’ll save them a lot of time too."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 21, 2014"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(48) "Fantasy Football Costing Employers $13.4 Billion"
  string(3338) "Fantasy FootballIf you haven't jumped on the fantasy football bandwagon, you may be in the shrinking minority. The NFL estimates that more than 33 million people play fantasy football each year, so the firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, which helps with company restructuring, downsizing and executive departures, attempted to do the math on how much time is spent, at an employers expense, managing a fantasy football team. Their research yielded an estimated $13.4 billion dollar loss in employee productivity as a result of fantasy football. The article in its entirety is posted below:

Fantasy football could cost businesses $13.4 billion a season by Benjamin Snyder

"The process was straightforward, according to the study: The firm estimated 18.3 million employees play fantasy football on the job for two hours each week and multiplied that by the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s $24.45 hourly wage average. The result: $895 million lost each week.

A spokesman told Fortune that the firm chose two hours because there is no data available on exactly how many hours employees spend on fantasy football. As a base, the Fantasy Sports Trade Association found that people play about nine hours of fantasy sports per week (of that three hours are spent on fantasy football at work and at home). From that, the firm postulated that employees conservatively spend two hours per week researching and reading up on fantasy football in the office.

For a typical 15-week season, that’s $13.4 billion lost total. In other words, there are a lot of unproductive employees.

But a spokesman for the firm underscored to Fortune that the study isn’t meant to be scientific, but rather a “secondary part of the story.” Instead, it’s meant to “acknowledge the impact of fantasy football” and show how the pastime has “grown in popularity” in the U.S.

Challenger, Gray & Christmas’s CEO John A. Challenger doesn’t want to seem like a spoil sport. “We are not trying to demonize fantasy football. It is important to understand that there are more distractions than ever in today’s workplace,” he said in a statement.

He believes the figures mean little for the U.S. economy and GDP. “The $13.4 billion-figure, in fact, represents less than one percent of the $1.5 trillion in wages that will be paid out to workers on private-sector payrolls during that same 15-week period,” said Challenger (that figure hails from the Bureau of Labor Statistics).

But the study also suggests that the fantasy sport is a boon for businesses. “Companies that not only allow workers to enjoy fantasy football, but actually encourage it by organizing a company leagues are likely to see significant benefits in morale, which, in turn leads to an overall boost in productivity as well as employee retention,” said Challenger.

Whether the firm’s figures are right, or not, one thing is sure: the fantasy isn’t reserved for just the football. There’s some make-believe economics at hand here, too.

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "October 1, 2014"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(58) "PCH Sponsors Relocation Partner Forum  in Beaver Creek, CO"
  string(2539) "PCH was proud to be invited to attend the 4th Annual MSI Executive Forum in beautiful Beaver Creek, CO earlier this month.

Hosted by the beautiful Ritz-Carlton, Bachelors Gulch Resort, the annual MSI event brought together the most respected minds in global mobility to explore the latest trends and key topics impacting talent management as it relates to employee mobility. With more than 300 supplier partners and corporate HR managers in attendance, PCH was proud to sponsor such an amazing event.
The education portion of the forum kicked off with opening remarks by  Tim Runnion, CEO of MSI Global Business Solutions. He placed emphasis on the importance of adaptation and flexibility in order to remain successful. He was followed by keynote speaker, Jared Cohen, who spoke about how technology is changing the landscape of the world. His fascinating take was the perfect intro to an amazing day of networking and education. 

"MSI was a great host," said Samantha Elliott, President of PCH. "They created a great event in a great location, and we were excited to be a part of it!" 

The education and networking opportunities hosted by MSI provided additional insight about their core values, hot topics and forward outlook. PCH team members also earned 10 additional continuing education credits, bringing their 2014 total to 117.MSI Photo 2

MSI Photo 3

MSI Photo 4

MSI Photo"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "October 1, 2014"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(66) "PCH is Leading the Way to Orlando for the CHPA National Conference"
  string(1752) "CHPA OrlandoEach year in February, hundreds of corporate housing professionals gather together at the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) National Conference to network, discuss hot-button issues effecting our industry, and to learn best practices from industry peers. This year's conference will be in Orlando, and Preferred Corporate Housing is leading the way!

Michelle Velasquez, PCH's Director of Client Services, has led the Program Task Force Committee for the past twelve months to conceptualize and arrange all the educational components of this year's conference. But before the conference officially begins, the 2015 Board of Directors meeting will take place where Samantha Elliott, PCH President, will begin her appointment as the 2015 Executive Board President of CHPA. 

Michelle and Samantha have also been asked to lead sessions later in the week. Michelle will share her expertise on supply-chain management, ensuring brand consistency across service locations and industry best practices on quality assurance measures. Samantha will lead one of the conference's most-popular sessions, the Relocation Industry Panel, where she will act as the facilitator amongst experts from some of the worlds largest relocation management companies.

Preferred Corporate Housing is honored to be participating and leading this event from the country's only trade organization dedicated to the success and growth of the corporate housing industry, CHPA.  "
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "January 12, 2015"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(37) "What’s in store for PCH in 2015"
  string(1674) "20152014 was amazing for PCH, and coming off such a great year, we are committed to keeping the momentum going throughout 2015. In fact, this year has already kicked off with several great things for Preferred Corporate Housing. We have already won our first large group mobilization bid for 2015, a $130k contract with the US Coast Guard that began during the first week of the new year. Our team members have already completed 2 new certification courses and contributed 5 continuing education credit hours towards our goal of 100 per year. And our webinar series on temporary housing trends has already been approved for Certified Relocation Professional (CRP) credit issued by the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council...and we are only 11 days into the new year! We are just getting warmed up!

We have several new program launches in store for 2015 that will allow us to service more clients in more locations, including international destinations, and we are expanding our portfolio of service inclusions for our clients. We are excited about adding our new, unique approach to the exceptional temporary housing services we already offer in more than 42,000 locations, and for the new opportunities these added benefits will bring for PCH and our clients.

So keep your eyes peeled and your ears open because Preferred Corporate Housing has lots in store for 2015, and you won't want to miss any of it!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "January 12, 2015"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(65) "How America Shows the Love – Valentine’s Day Spending"
  string(770) "Here are some spending statistics from the National Retail Federation about how Americans use their wallets to 'show the love' on Valentine's Day each year.

18.6 Billion dollars- Average amount Americans will spend to show their 'love' on Valentine's Day.

$130.97 - The amount the average person plans to spend on flowers, candy, and cards

$88.78 - Amount the average woman will spend

$175.61 - Amount the average man will spend

815 Million - The number of people that will buy a Valentine's Day gift for someone other than their significant other

163 Million - The number of people who will buy their pet a gift on Valentine's Day

I've heard it said many times that 'money can't buy you love," but I think someone forgot to mention this to American consumers! "
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "February 11, 2015"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(59) "Living Our Vision Everyday – How We Show the L.O.V.E."
  string(2015) "At Preferred Corporate Housing, our definition of LOVE is Living Our Vision Everyday! We love being able to provide temporary housing services for our clients anywhere they have needs, and as a nationwide provider, we get the opportunity to work with a variety of industries and assignments. We have guests from the Professional Sports Arena, Oil and Gas industry, Government and Military sector, Medical field and everything in between. We also love our amazing team, and we've given them the opportunity to say what they love most about Preferred Corporate Housing.

Its a great feeling to know that we can help with any type of housing need that someone may have. Whether they've been displaced by a fire, are on a temporary assignment in a remote location, or they are relocating their entire family across the county...We can help! - Ashley Trevino, PCH Senior Account Manager.

I love being able to customize and cater to a diverse group of clientele, -said Brittany Bennett, PCH National Account Executive.

What I love most about PCH is that we have the flexibility to do anything, so saying 'I'll take care of it' is always my answer. I never have to tell a client no!- Rina Sanchez, PCH National Account Executive

I love being able to wow our guests with little unexpected surprises to help welcome them to their new apartment. Whether its a bottle of wine, a local guidebook written in their language, or a special item that makes them think of home, I love the reactions I hear when our guests realize how much we care.- Beth Schoephoerster, PCH Account Manager

We love what we do and the people we do it for! Living our vision everyday means offering the highest quality of temporary, furnished housing accompanied by the highest level of customer service and support. If you would like more information about becoming one of our 'beloved' clients, call us at (800)960-0102 or visit www.corporates.com to learn more!
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "February 11, 2015"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(95) "PCH Awarded “Company of the Year” by Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA)"
  string(3858) "Company of the YearPreferred Corporate Housing, a national provider of furnished lodging solutions in more than 42,000 locations across North America was just awarded the Tower of Excellence “Provider Member/Company of the Year” Award by the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA).

The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is the professional trade association exclusively dedicated to supporting corporate housing providers around the world. With more than 300 company members, CHPA works closely with related trade associations such as the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC), National Apartment Association (NAA) and various others as an advocate and educational resource for the corporate housing industry across the globe.

CHPA recognizes success and achievement within the corporate housing industry by presenting the highly-coveted Tower of Excellence Awards at its national conference each year. Company award categories include Best Community/Philanthropic Program, Most Creative Marketing, Best Green Progress and the most-coveted, highly-competitive award of “Provider Member/Company of the Year.” The 2015 Tower of Excellence award for “Provider Member/Company of the Year” was presented to the Preferred Corporate Housing team at the awards luncheon in Orlando, Florida.

“We are extremely proud and honored to win this prestigious award,” said Jon Lanclos, Founder and CIO of Preferred Corporate Housing. “Being included in this category with so many other heavy-hitters and industry leaders is a challenge in itself. Coming away with the recognition of ‘Company of the Year’ really legitimizes the hard work and dedication that our team has put in to being the best corporate housing provider.”

CHPA selects “Provider Member/Company of the Year” award winners based on scored evaluations from the following categories: a) Contributing locally, nationally, and internationally to the corporate housing industry b) Creating unique solutions or programs to enhance the industry. c) Achieving sound financial results as they pertain to growth through sales and other initiatives. d) Exceeding guests’ expectations measured by survey results or testimonials from guests or clients e) Developing strong relationships with other corporate housing providers f) Developing collaborative relationships with supplier partners.

“We’ve really focused on what sets us apart,” said Samantha Elliott, President of PCH. “Its not just about providing a furnished apartment. Its about finding opportunities to personalize our service, customize the solutions we offer and really ‘wow’ our guests each and every time. Every person on our team plays a vital role in making that happen, so we are happy to share this award with them,” said Elliott.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:
Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2014 Fortune 500 list.

Press & Media Contact
For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, collaboration on story development, or a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(14) "April 27, 2015"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(69) "Preferred Corporate Housing Launches Partnership with Move for Hunger"
  string(1963) "Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 3.46.08 PMPreferred Corporate Housing launched its very successful 'Preferred Charity Helpers' Program in the Fall of 2013. Through this client-driven initiative, PCH has committed to supporting various local, regional, national and global charities as selected by each of its National Account Program Members. In the past two years, PCH has donated over $200K to organizations like Habitat for Humanity, The Wounded Warrior Project, ASPCA and several other local and regional charities.

PCH is proud to announce its newest 'Preferred Charity Helpers' alliance with Move for Hunger, a hunger relief organization that works within the relocation industry to collect non-perishable food items left behind when someone moves, to deliver to food banks all across North America.

Preferred Corporate Housing will be supporting Move for Hunger in several ways, including quarterly monetary donations via the 'Preferred Charity Helpers' Program, and by collecting food items left behind when guests move out of one of its nationwide furnished apartments. Once the food items have been collected, Move for Hunger will use its network of partner van line companies to deliver the food to local food bank operations.

"We really fell in love with the concept of Move for Hunger," said Samantha Elliott, PCH President. "Everyone has non-perishable food items that are a hassle to pack and transport, and most of it winds up in the trash. But by partnering with Move for Hunger and giving our guests a way to donate those items, we know we can help make a big difference to fight hunger within our country.""
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "June 11, 2015"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(39) "Post-Vacay: How to Get Your Groove Back"
  string(2974) "back to work

Even if you love your job as much as we love ours, getting back into the groove of things after a vacation can be quite challenging, especially if it was after an extended holiday. From the email backlog to nonstop “catch-up” meetings and events, sometimes your body is present at the office while your mind is still enjoying the sandy beaches and pina coladas! Everyone needs a break now and then to decompress and forget the duties and responsibilities of business, but the key to making the most of your stress-reducing vacation is knowing how to effectively get back in the swing of things after taking time off. Here are a few tips to ensure your return to work is smooth sailing:

1. Check out...but Check-In - A recent Harris poll of 2,071 US workers showed that 6 out of 10 people said checking their emails while on vacation made it easier for them to ease back into work. Staying in touch with the office, even if just to keep a watchful eye from afar, helps relieve that anxious feeling when its time to return.

2. Use that last day of vacation as a “rest and recovery” day - Take the last day off to rebound from your vacation. Relax and enjoy some quiet time. Turn in early and get a good night’s rest. Don’t wait to sleep on the plane or use the last few hours to down the remaining shots of tequila. Use the last day to transition back to the reality version of yourself so you’ll be prepared for the next day to work.

3. Keep your mood upbeat - If you just left the Mexican resort of your dreams, why not listen to the music that reminds you of all the fun you had while you’re on your way in to the office. Throw in a quick cardio workout to get the endorphins flowing and help you rebound from all the guacamole and margaritas. Start your day back to work in a great mood and hold on to it as long as possible.

4. Keep things simple and stick to a game plan - Not all 280 new emails need to be answered within the first hour of your arrival back. Prioritize by importance/urgency and don’t get overwhelmed. Follow up, in detail, with the people who have an immediate demand, and for those who don’t, send a quick email saying you will soon follow up.

5. Reassess your goals - Chances are, that tropical vacation and whatever took you out of your groove is probably still on your mind. Get your mind back to the present by writing out your goals for the upcoming week. Reassess what you want to accomplish now that you’re back in the swing of things, and you may even have a fresh perspective now that you’ve had a chance to clear your head."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "July 6, 2015"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(47) "Tenant Screening – A Welcome Requirement?"
  string(4826) "Background checkThe use of tenant screening, more commonly referred to as “background checks,” is growing in popularity in multi-family apartment leasing. These days just about every landlord and property manager utilize some sort of credit and rental history screening process for the financially-responsible party, but now the integration of background checks for residents is becoming just as commonplace. In the past 24 months, Preferred Corporate Housing has seen a significant increase in the communities which now require specific guest information to be provided so that criminal background checks can be performed on each occupant. While each property management company has it’s own criteria they use to evaluate whether or not they will accept or reject an applicant, PCH is finding that communities are following the guidelines and recommendations from their local civil authorities. With many states and municipalities having passed legislation requiring the tracking of criminal offenders and sexual predators, apartment communities may be required by local law to perform these tenant screenings.

“PCH provided our fully furnished apartments in 49 out of the 50 U.S. states in 2014, and we’ve seen an uptick in background checks/tenant screening processes in every state we serviced,” said Anna Doran, Senior National Account Executive for Preferred Corporate Housing. “This is a welcome trend from our perspective because, even though it may cause a bit more paperwork on the front-end, adding criminal screenings is a way to improve safety across the board for our corporate clients,” said Doran.

Another reason multi-families are adding these types of criminal screenings to their leasing process is in effort to eliminate “negligent leasing.” This is a widely used term in the multi-family rental industry used to describe a rental situation go awry due to lack of due diligence and pre-screening on the part of the community management. Negligent leasing is a real concern today as properties can potentially avoid theft, violence and damages by simply running a criminal history check on guests before accepting them to their property. Fair Housing laws require that if any screening of this nature is performed on one potential resident, it must be applied to all potential residents across the board.

“We prefer to place our corporate clients at communities that require these type of criminal screenings for guests because it adds a bit more peace-of-mind about the neighborhood,” said Megan Margetusakis, Director of Operations for PCH. “Our clients have an expectation of safety when they stay with us, and while we can’t guarantee that crime won’t happen, we can do our due diligence to reduce the risk by placing them in communities with resident screening requirements.”

Although resident screening services can potentially weed out unwanted, potentially dangerous neighbors, many corporate clients have balked at the requirements to provide the personal information needed to complete these screenings for their corporate travelers. This hesitancy is not due to fear that their employees will not pass the screenings, but rather protection of their employees’ personally identifiable information. Drivers License numbers, date of birth, and even social security numbers are often required for these screenings. International travelers may even be asked to provide copies of their passports.

“The most important thing for corporate travel and mobility managers to understand when it comes to resident screening requirements is that we must abide by the community requirements when placing your employees in our furnished apartments,” said Margetusakis. “Because of Fair Housing and other local laws, we do not have the ability waive these requirements on a case by case basis for any guest or employee. What we can offer are secure ways to provide the required personal information that doesn’t violate the company’s PII policy and/or place the employee at risk for PII exposure.” said Margetusakis.

Tenant screening, background checks, criminal history review...they are all here to stay, and it is highly-likely that their inclusion in rental approval processes will continue to gain popularity throughout the country. Corporate Travel and Mobility Managers should be prepared to counsel their employees on this requirement and talk through best-practices and safe methods for providing the necessary personal information for these screenings.
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 13, 2015"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(84) "Preferred Corporate Housing shortlisted for Expatriate Management and Mobility Award"
  string(3288) "FEM_AMERICAS_BUTTONPreferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 42,000 North American destinations, has been shortlisted for the Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) annual EMMA award for “2015 Corporate Housing Provider of the Year.”

This is the second major recognition this year for Preferred Corporate Housing, who won the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) Tower of Excellence award for “Large Market Provider of the Year,” in February 2015.

“We are honored to be included in this exclusive list of recognized temporary housing providers by one of the relocation industry’s leading organizations,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “FEM is quickly becoming a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes,” said Elliott.

The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs), “celebrate excellence in global mobility. With over 20 categories, these awards truly recognize leaders, business successes and rising stars,” as described on the FEM website.

“We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide,” said Krista Ripper, Director of Business Development for PCH. “We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because its the way they’ve always been done,” said Ripper.

“Our goal is clear,” said Elliott. “We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being included in this prestigious list is proof that we are on the right track,” said Elliott.

The final award winners will be announced at the black tie gala event on September 9th at the Loews Coronado Bay Hotel in San Diego.

About Preferred Corporate Housing
Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2014 Fortune 500 list.

Press & Media Contact
For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com.
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 22, 2015"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(50) "Capture the “Back to School” Mentality"
  string(2784) "back to schoolWhether you've been out of school for three months (congrats, grad!), 30 years or somewhere in between, there's something about those back-to-school commercials, sales in the department stores and yellow school buses hitting the streets once again that creates an undeniable energy in the air.

While every day is a new chance to begin reaching for new heights, feeding off that back-to-school adrenaline can be a great way to get a running start! Here are three simple ways to apply that back-to-school mentality to your day-to-day.

1. Wipe your slate clean
One of my favorite things about beginning a new school year was the chance to start over; embracing the feeling of "I can be whoever I want to be and accomplish whatever I want to accomplish this year!" If you haven't felt that feeling since your own school days, allow yourself to get swept up in the excitement and use this month as an opportunity to reignite your passion for your goals. Back-to-school means a "new start." Forget about the barriers that have held you back from reaching your goals in the past.

2. Reassess your (lesson) plan
My favorite part of a new school year was getting to read through my syllabus for each class and looking ahead to see how much I was slated to accomplish throughout the next year. While I loved the idea of what was to come, I was also overwhelmed at how much work was yet to be done! That's why teachers use lesson plans; to break the work down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Use this time to do the same with your "plan of attack." Review your goals and break down the work into smaller, more manageable action items.

3. Expand your horizons
A new school year always brings new opportunities - new skills to master, new clubs to join, new friends to make. Apply this same principle to your day-to-day. Are there new skills you can master that will help make you more successful in your position? Are there networking opportunities that could lead you to new business contacts? Try something new; expand those horizons; never stop learning!

The craziness of summer is dying down. Back-to-school is the perfect time to get back on track with your goals and get re-energized and re-focused. In the words of Brian Herbert, "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice." Feed off the back-to-school energy all around and make the choice to keep learning!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "August 24, 2015"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(62) "Hurricane Katrina – A Look Back at Disaster Preparedness"
  string(8873) "Hurricane Katrina from space On September 16, 2004 Hurricane Ivan made landfall along the coasts of Alabama and Florida. Prior to the storms’ arrival, mandatory evacuation orders were issued all along the Gulf Coast due to Ivan’s unpredictable path. These evacuations caused widespread panic and Preferred Corporate Housing, a national provider of furnished apartment solutions, began receiving higher-than-normal inbound calls at its Headquarters in Houston, Texas. “People were desperately requesting apartments as far away from the coast as they could get in the short amount of time they had,” recalls Megan Margetusakis, PCH Director of Operations. “Our existing corporate clients were calling in to find solutions for their displaced employees along with all of the people who happened upon our information on the web. We were one of the only national furnished apartment providers at the time, and I remember it being extremely chaotic trying to fulfill everyone’s requests.”

Preferred Corporate Housing eventually housed hundreds of people along the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Ivan’s destruction, but knew that they had to come up with a better plan for servicing disaster-related situations for the future. “We knew we had create a specific planning and response process for any future disaster-related situations that might occur,” said Jon Lanclos, Founder of PCH. “When a Hurricane is on its way, its too late to start trying to create a plan, and we wanted to be prepared in the future. We also knew that we were at risk for future storms and we need to be prepared as well. That’s how we came up with the Preferred Placement Program®

This unique disaster preparedness plan allowed us to track the anticipated path of a potential storm, compile an instantaneous list of all existing clients located near the path of the storm, and simultaneously source all viable furnished apartment solutions outside of the storm’s path to offer to anyone who may be evacuating prior or displaced. Using our proprietary database platform, we were able to incorporate automatic alerts, employee phone trees, mobile office solutions and other critical disaster recovery elements that would allow us to be a resource for any company effected by a disaster, no matter where it occurred.

The remainder of 2004 along with the beginning of the 2005 hurricane season, which began with Hurricane Dennis hitting the Florida coast in July, gave Preferred Corporate Housing several opportunities to test and perfect each element of our newly formed Preferred Placement Program®. “Although there were some kinks, I was proud of the plan we had created and our ability to service our clients who were displaced after Hurricane Dennis. If we had not taken the time following Hurricanes Ivan and Dennis to perfect our systems and plans, we would not have been ready for what came next,” said Lanclos.

new orleans post KatrinaOn Monday, August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall near New Orleans. Preferred Corporate Housing had enabled the beginning phases of its Preferred Placement Plan® the week prior and was already operating its “Ready Room,” to prepare for another influx of calls once the storm passed. “It was pretty close to business-as-usual at the beginning of the week,” said Margetusakis. “Although we were receiving a higher call volume and were responding to more housing requests, we were following the plan we had in place and things were going as smoothly as could be expected. As news reports of the failed levees and floodwaters started surfacing, we watched, along with the rest of the world, in horror as people were stranded in their flooded homes and at the Superdome without food or water.”

“As we learned of the levee breaches and widespread devastation, we expanded our search radius to incorporate more cities away from the devastated regions. We knew that we would need more available housing than originally planned, said Lanclos. “With our past storm-response experience and our allocated resources, we had quickly developed a reputation with our clients and apartment community partners of being a go-to resource for furnished apartment solutions following a disaster.”

PCH received a call from an American Express Travel Agent on August 31, around 5:15pm. “Normally we would have been shutting down for the day,” explains Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing, “but we were all still busy helping people find housing that we had extended our office hours for the week.” The caller explained that she was representing a major energy company who’s Louisiana office was currently underwater in New Orleans and who was looking to relocate its entire team and operations away from New Orleans as quickly as possible. The caller had been turned away by three other national corporate housing providers who explained that they had already reached their inventory capacity and could not accommodate a group of this size.

The company was Dominion Exploration and Production, one of the largest providers of electricity, natural gas and related services at the time. Dominion Exploration’s Louisiana office, Dominion Tower, was located directly across from the Superdome, and was the central office for more than 325 employees who were displaced from their homes following Katrina’s devastation.

astrodomePreferred Corporate Housing was up to the challenge. It was decided that Houston, TX was the best location with enough housing solutions for all 325 employees and their families. Utilizing the designed Preferred Placement Plan®, Preferred Corporate Housing’s team was able to source and furnished all 325 apartments at 21 different apartment communities in the Houston area.  Dominion evacuated the families and brought them to Houston where they arrived to fully furnished, fully equipped apartments. For many, it was the first time they were able to sleep in an actual bed, prepare a meal, and even shower since the storm hit.

“It was the proudest moment for me,” said Elliott. “We saw the living conditions these people were coming from, and for my team to be able to provide a safe, comfortable place for these families while they began the rebuilding process was an accomplishment that I will never forget.” These Dominion employees and their families were home in the PCH furnished apartments for the next 6 months. Although approximately 200 families returned back to New Orleans in early 2006, around 140 employees became permanent Houston residents and did not wish to return.

Its been ten years since Hurricane Katrina caused more than $108 billion dollars in damage, more than 1,300 deaths and displaced more than 400,000 people from the Gulf Coast region. “Looking back, there isn’t much I would do differently,” recalls Lanclos. “We had a plan in place ahead of the storm, and though we could never have predicted the amount of devastation, we were able to provide immediate solutions when others could not.”

“We still use the same Preferred Placement Plan® today,” says Margetusakis. “We’ve improved it as technology and resources have changed, but the shell of the plan is the same.”

“Hurricane Katrina taught us so much about our company - our strengths, our culture, our capabilities,” said Elliott. “I am so grateful we had the opportunity to help those families, and while I hope no one has to experience that kind of devastation again, I know we’ll be ready to help the next time we get the call.”

To read the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief Case Study in its entirety, visit http://www.corporates.com/dom. To learn more about Preferred Corporate Housing’s furnished apartment solutions in more than 42,000 North American locations, or to receive a customized employee housing proposal based on your specific program needs, contact Krista Ripper at (800) 960-0102, krista@corporates.com."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(15) "August 28, 2015"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(33) "How to Get More Out of Every Day!"
  string(2991) "too much workIf you’re like most of us, you have too much work to do in too little time. Time is our most-valuable commodity, and although we all are allotted the exact same amount every day, there always seem to be those people who are able to get more done than we are! How do they do it? In our quest to maximize every minute, here are a few tips to increase your daily efficiency and productivity.

• Pick 3 goals for the day. Start your day (or plan the night before) by identifying three high-priority goals to accomplish. work on this first, without getting distracted by other tasks. If you finish them off, select three more important goals. You’ll feel more productive and less overwhelmed.

• Make quick decisions. Agonizing over every decision wastes time and energy. Try to make every decision in 60 seconds or less. A one-minute deadline will result in speedy decisions that are just as likely to be good as those you spend hours on.

time to think • Schedule thinking time. Spend a specified amount of time thinking about what you want to accomplish each week. Use that time to make plans, do research, analyze successes and failures, and give yourself permission to go off on tangents. Often you’ll get your best ideas when you let your mind roam a bit. The key here is to keep your “thinking time” confined within a specified amount of time. Once the time is up, get back on track!

• Make a “to-don’t” list. Identify those things on your plate that don’t contribute anything of value or don’t represent the best use of your time. Delegate those tasks to assistants/other team members, or cross them off the list altogether. This will give you more time to focus on your priorities.to dont list

• Finish your day right. Don’t wear yourself out by working into the evening. Establish a routine for the end of your work day: Save your work, clear your workspace, make your to-do list for tomorrow, power down and stop thinking about work. You’ll be able to get the rest your need to come back tomorrow ready to do great things!"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(18) "September 28, 2015"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(35) "PCH Honored at the 2015 EMMA Awards"
  string(3560) "FEM EMMA LOGOPreferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 42,000 North American destinations, was honored as one of the top 3 corporate housing providers at the recent Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) annual EMMA awards black-tie gala, receiving “Highly Commended” honors from the judging panel.

This is the second major recognition this year for Preferred Corporate Housing, who won the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) Tower of Excellence award for “Large Market Provider of the Year,” in February 2015.

“We are honored to be recognized as one of the best temporary housing providers by one of mobility’s leading organizations,” said Samantha Elliott, CRP, CCHP, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “The Forum for Expatriate Management is a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes,” said Elliott.

EMMA On Stage The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs) winners, were decided by a prestigious panel of sixteen judges from within the relocation industry, including Human Resources, Talent and Mobility Managers from corporations around the world, including several Fortune 100 and 500 companies.

“We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide,” said Krista Ripper, Director of Business Development for PCH. “We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because it’s the way they’ve always been done,” said Ripper.

“Our goal is clear,” said Elliott. “We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being recognized by these industry leaders in this prestigious category is proof that we are on the right track,” said Elliott.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2014 Fortune 500 list.

Press & Media Contact

For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(18) "September 29, 2015"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(57) "How to Prevent the “Performance Review Panic”"
  string(2418) "performance reviewAs we start winding down the 2015 business year, many of us have already started our year-end team member performance evaluations. Few employees actually look forward to the performance evaluation. In fact, when the words “performance review” are muttered, most employees will instantly tense up and begin to scroll through all the negatives in their heads. The only bright spot that may come to mind is the hope that the performance review results may lead to a bump in pay. One reason employees fear the review may be that they don’t know what to expect from the process. In order for you, the employer, and the employee to gain the most out of the review process, you’ll want to ensure they are relaxed and eager to participate. Here are a few tips to pass along to your team before a performance review:

It’s not just about the paperwork - Even though performance evaluations usually involve a certain amount of forms and documentation, these do not make up the entirety of the process. While paperwork has its place, remind employees that its not the point of the exercise.

Come prepared to participate - A performance review shouldn’t be a one-way conversation. At the very least, employees should gather their perspectives on their position and accomplishments and be prepared to discuss them with their supervisor. Preparation should include reviewing their job description, identifying significant achievements, and examining what may be preventing them from doing their best work.

Don’t save up issues - Your team should be talking to their supervisors all the time so everyone is consistently on the same page. If they only air complaints and/or ideas during the yearly performance review, a lot of time could be wasted in between. If you keep the lines of communication open throughout the year, there shouldn’t be any surprises when it comes time for a review.

Take an active role - An evaluation should be a healthy give-and-take session, sharing ideas and opinions freely. Employees should ask questions and take responsibility for understanding what you have to say."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "October 28, 2015"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(94) "Preferred Corporate Housing is a ‘Best Place to Work’ for the 4th Consecutive Year"
  string(1382) "Best Places to WorkThe Houston Business Journal released its 15th annual "Best Places to Work in Houston' list last month, and for the fourth consecutive year, Preferred Corporate Housing was included in this prestigious list.

The 2015 Best Places to Work in Houston list was revealed at a Super Hero themed luncheon event where more than 800 attendees gathered to recognize 100 companies who made this year's list. HBJ's partner, Quantum Workforce, administered an employee survey process and assigned a score for each nominated company. Scoring was based on employees' thoughts on their company's corporate culture, amenities, benefits, worker-retention and attraction strategies. The top 100 companies who received the highest scores were included in this year's list.

The average score of all the companies on HBJ’s 2015 Best Places to Work List is 85.87, which is slightly higher than the national average of 85.83. Preferred Corporate Housing received a score of 94.8, significantly higher than this year's average, landing the spot of the 20th Best Place to Work in Houston."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "November 3, 2015"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(25) "2015 – What a Year!"
  string(2267) "

New Year 2016What a year! Preferred Corporate Housing really made the most out of 2015 from being named "Provider of the Year" by the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA), to winning several key client RFPs that will lead us through the years to come. Our team has grown together, laughed together and worked to create the best temporary housing experiences for each of our guests.

So as we close out this amazing year, we thought we would use the last blog post of the year to pass along some of our favorite quotes. The new year brings new ideas, new ventures and a fresh start. But it also brings new challenges and struggles to overcome to achieve these new goals. Here is a little motivation to get you started breaking through barriers and reaching your objectives in 2016!

1. "Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll 2. "If you can dream it, you can do it!" - Walt Disney 3. "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Ryun 4. " A good beginning makes a good end." - Old English Proverb 5. "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!" - Brad Paisley 6. "For last year's words belong to last year's language, and next year's words await another voice." - T.S. Eliot 7. "“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential.” - Ellen Goodman We are excited about the potential of what 2016 will bring. To all our friends around the world celebrating the start of this new year, we wish you a safe and joyous celebration, and we can't wait to experience prosperity and success with you in 2016!" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(17) "December 31, 2015" }
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(71) "Preferred Charity Helpers Program – Another Record-Breaking Year!"
  string(1107) "Preferred Corporate Housing is excited to announce donations of more than $139K in 2015 to local, regional and global charity organizations through its industry-leading community responsibility program, Preferred Charity Helpers. PCH developed this program in October 2013 as a way to partner with its 8,000+ corporate clients in facilitating community volunteer opportunities for guests staying in their corporate apartments throughout the country. "We wanted to create a program that incentivized our guests to get out in the community and make a difference," said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. "We understand that many of our guests are temporary visitors to the neighborhoods where we have provided their corporate apartment, or it may be their first exposure to the new city where they are relocating their families. Our goal is to provide our guests with resources and information to help them feel at home in their new location, and adding volunteer opportunities to that list of resources seemed like a great chance to meet both of our targets," said Elliott.

  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "January 22, 2016"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(43) "Share the ‘LOVE’ with Your Team"
  string(8245) "

employee praiseWe've previously referenced the article, "The Power of Praise in Business - and How to Do it Right," written by Ross McCammon and published in Entrepreneur Magazine in February 2012. We thought February, the month of LOVE, is a fitting time to recap some of the main points of this great article as a reminder to "Show the LOVE" to your team as well. Here is the article in its entirety:

"Here's what the psychologists think about praise: "Positive reinforcement works better than punishment."

Here's what the management experts think: "Employee recognition leads to profit."

Here's what the neurologists think: "Dopamine, which is released in the brain any time we hear something we like, is a powerful chemical."

Here's what the psychologists, management experts and neurologists think when someone in a position of power tells them they're doing a great job: "Hell, yeah!" (That, of course, is the dopamine talking.)

How important is praise in business? Extremely important. Extremelyimportant. Research has been done. Analytics, even.

A 2010 study published in Harvard Business Review found that at Best Buy, a 0.1 percent increase in employee engagement drove $100,000 in operating income to the bottom line of each store per year. Now, employee engagement involves lots of things, of course: personal fulfillment, career advancement, free coffee. But according to Chester Elton--speaker, motivation expert and co-author of bestselling management book The Carrot Principle--at Best Buy and many other businesses the Harvard study looked at, simple recognition was the single most important factor.

"The number one driver of engagement is opportunity and well-being," he says. "The number one driver of opportunity and well-being is recognition and appreciation. The Harvard study showed that you don't just want employees satisfied, you want them engaged, because an engaged employee gives you their discretionary efforts."

For psychologists, the wisdom of that investment is obvious. "Praising people for what they do right seems to be more effective, regardless of whether you think it's nice or not," says Dr. Laura Carstensen, a professor of psychology at Stanford University whose work focuses on motivation. "People buy lottery tickets, and mathematicians often say, How can you waste that money? Psychologists have a slightly different view, and that is, if buying a ticket for a fairly small amount of money allows you to dream and to think you might get to savor the anticipation of what that reward might look like, that's probably worth the money."

Praise is like that. It involves very little effort and produces a lot in return. It's a no-brainer, even for people who are otherwise ingrates.

So that's why you should give praise. But how?

How to Give It Most management experts stress the importance of specificity. "You want to balance praise with constructive feedback," says psychologist Dr. Wayne Nemeroff, CEO and co-founder of PsyMax Solutions, a Cleveland-based provider of "integrated human capital management tools." Nemeroff suggests, "Recall a particular situation and describe a specific behavior; acknowledge the impact the behavior or action had on the group or the project or the action or on you."

Here's what Elton suggests in his book: Do it now. The closer the recognition is to the behavior, the more likely it will be repeated. Do it often. The more you message what's important to you, the more people will focus on that. And finally, be specific.

Specificity is important, of course, but it seems to us that everything flows from sincerity. Sincerity will automatically lead to praise--and, most likely, impromptu praise. Which is the best praise of all, because it's automatically perceived as sincere. It simply takes advantage of a moment that is already happening: an e-mail that you're sending anyway, the beginning of a meeting that's happening anyway, a team-building exercise. ("Bob, never has anyone so elegantly held an orange with his chin.")

It's hard to come up with praise on the fly. And the one being praised knows that. If you take advantage of a chance encounter--if the opportunity to praise someone was never even supposed to happen--then what you're saying is perceived as authentic. The moment is simply an outlet for gratitude. (Important note: Never use the phrase "outlet for gratitude" when praising someone, or at any other time.)

How to Receive It Giving praise is the easy part. You just have to be aware of other people's feelings and be in tune with what's going on in your business. Receiving praise is trickier--ulterior motives and all that.

When it comes to receiving praise, you want to subscribe to the gymnastics rule: Throw out the highest and lowest scores. Never put too much stock in someone telling you that you're amazing, and never put too much stock in someone telling you that you suck. Listen to the stuff in between. (This also works with online hotel reviews.)

And respond like this: "Thank you," or something just as straightforward. Anything else can spoil the moment. Praise should be as discreetly received as it is concisely stated.

The principle of positive reinforcement states that behaviors that are rewarded are behaviors that will be repeated. But this can be bad. If we keep repeating behaviors, we lose sight of the most important part of what we do, which is innovate. Praise should establish a new bar. We should accept the praise and then try to forget about it. We should repeat the work that was praised, but immediately move on to doing a better version of it.

What praise ultimately does is hold up a mirror. It acknowledges what people already think about themselves: that they're good at what they do. You're making someone happy and fulfilled and more excited to work with you. And for almost no effort at all.

Nice work.

Key Technical Matters

1. Praise should not begin with the phrase "You da …."

2. Ending an expression of praise with "… and stuff" nullifies the praise.

3. Ending an expression of praise with "… now get back to work" also nullifies the praise.

4. In ascending order of forcefulness: e-mail, face-to-face conversation, handwritten note, bear hug.

5. No bear hugs.

6. A handwritten note is worth more than a $100 gift card.

7. But probably not more than a $200 gift card.

8. Easy on the superlatives: "hardest-working," "most glorious," "awesomest," "best-smelling," etc.

9. Praise followed by criticism is not praise.

10. Praise followed by praise is probably a little too much praise.

11. Praise followed by criticism followed by praise is a sandwich.

For more information on this article and full writer's credits, visit http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/222573

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(16) "February 8, 2016" }
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(122) "Preferred Corporate Housing is First Member Company to be Accredited by the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA)"
  string(3675) "AccreditedThe Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is the professional trade association exclusively dedicated to supporting corporate housing professionals and expanding the corporate housing industry around the world. CHPA’s Company Accreditation Program was designed to recognize and elevate companies who have proven their legitimacy, professionalism and commitment to industry best practices and ethics when providing corporate housing services.

CHPA announced last week that Preferred Corporate Housing, a national corporate housing provider servicing more than 42,000 locations across North America, would be the first to achieve the ‘CHPA Accredited Company’ endorsement.

“This is a program we truly value and believe that our clients and supplier partners will value as well,” said Preferred Corporate Housing President, Samantha Elliott. “There are so many ‘fly-by-night’ companies out there that are causing damage to our industry’s reputation with their unethical business practices and fraudulent behavior. CHPA’s Company Accreditation Program is a first step in highlighting which providers are operating within the appropriate standards and best practices.” said Elliott.

In order to be eligible to receive the ‘CHPA Accredited Company’ endorsement, Preferred Corporate Housing had to submit financial history, operational documents relating to business continuity and data protection policies, proof of appropriate business insurance coverage, and letters of reference from peers, suppliers and current clients. Preferred Corporate Housing was also eligible for this endorsement due to its active involvement and leadership within CHPA over the past years, and because all Preferred Corporate Housing’s Senior Managers have earned and maintained the ‘Certified Corporate Housing Professional (CCHP)’ designation.

“We believe that any company that might be sourcing corporate housing services should only want to work with providers who have received CHPA’s Company Accredited endorsement,” said Jon Lanclos, PCH Founder. “This accreditation highlights those companies who have proven themselves to be the best examples of corporate housing industry leaders.”

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing is the premier, North American temporary lodging provider for corporate/government relocation programs, extended travel assignments and other corporate travel needs. Since 1996, Preferred Corporate Housing has built a unique model for providing housing solutions in more than 42,000 locations across the US and Canada, specializing in remote destinations and third-tier cities. PCH takes pride in its ability to provide furnished lodging solutions exactly where clients need them, when they need them. Multiple options are available at every budgetary level, making PCH a great partner for any relocation program.

About CHPA:

The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is the only trade association dedicated to the corporate housing industry. As the industry continually evolves, members gain insight and resources on how to stay competitive through their involvement with CHPA. CHPA, as the voice of the corporate housing industry, offers networking, educational and informational opportunities to corporate housing providers around the world."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "March 6, 2016"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(72) "PCH Short-Listed for EMMA Award by Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM)"
  string(1953) "Preferred Corporate Housing has been shortlisted for the Forum for Expatriate Management's (FEM) annual EMMA award for "2016 Corporate Housing Provider of the Year."

This is the second consecutive year for Preferred Corporate Housing to make the Shortlist of potential winners for an EMMA award. In 2015, Preferred Corporate Housing received “Highly Commended” recognition in this same category.

"We are honored to be included in this exclusive list of recognized temporary housing providers by one of the relocation industry's leading organizations," said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. "FEM is quickly becoming a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes," said Elliott.

The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs), "celebrate excellence in global mobility. With over 20 categories, these awards truly recognize leaders, business successes and rising stars," as described on the FEM website.

"We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide," said Krista Ripper, Director of Business Development for PCH. "We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because its the way they've always been done," said Ripper.

"Our goal is clear," said Elliott. "We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being included in this prestigious list is proof that we are on the right track," said Elliott.

The final award winners will be announced at the black tie gala event on May 5th at the Hilton City Avenue hotel in Philadelphia."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(14) "March 10, 2016"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(38) "Most Affordable States for Job Seekers"
  string(2545) "Graduation season is upon us! This means thousands of college graduates ready to enter the workforce with high hopes and unrealistic expectations. Although job creation is on the rise and many glamorous locations are beckoning college graduates to come and find work, often times these locations' housing costs are way beyond the scope of what entry-level wages can afford. What a perfect time for Forbes Magazine to release its study on the most affordable states and rental rates for new job seekers. John Wasik, a Forbes Contributor, sums up which locations should be most attractive for entry-level workers:

"It’s tough to be a recent college graduate. You’re scrapping to find the highest-paying job and may be carrying loan debt. You must feel like you’re running uphill with a backpack of rocks.

If you’re looking to relocate, what’s the first economic decision you need to make? You need to know what prevailing rents are in the city you wish to relocate to relative to your income.

Let’s get the spoiler out of the way first: The largest, most glamorous cities are unaffordable unless you’re making way more than $20 an hour. You won’t be able to afford these places at all if your wages are around minimum wage.

According to a recent report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, for most workers, that probably puts Hawaii, California, New York, Maryland and New Jersey out of reach for millions. Here’s what the report found:

“In order to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent, a full-time worker in America today must earn $20.30 per hour—a figure that is almost $5 more than the average hourly wage of renters in the U.S. A full-time worker needs to earn $16.35 per hour to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment.”
 One simple rule of thumb is that average rents (or overall housing costs) shouldn’t exceed more than 30% of your income. In glamor cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and New York, you’ll get soaked for housing costs, which could easily exceed half of your income.
That puts a huge burden on you. Remember that you need to pay for food, transportation and other necessities. You won’t be able to save money." To view this article in its entirety, visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnwasik/2016/05/27/most-affordable-rents-states-for-job-seekers/#306c5d293d90" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(12) "May 27, 2016" }
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(83) "Americas Mobility Conference sponsored by the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council"
  string(3531) "

At last month's Americas Mobility Conference sponsored by the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC), PCH team member Michelle Velasquez, led an interactive discussion on the most recent trends impacting employee travel in relation to temporary housing. Several of the HR Managers in the attendance asked questions about Airbnb and wondered if this "home-sharing" hotel alternative is affecting extended business travel and lodging needs in conjunction with employee mobility.

It was noted that these types of lodging alternatives are spending millions in creative advertising targeting the younger traveler, and they are becoming more attractive to individual employees traveling with their own out-of-pocket expenses. But for company-sponsored assignments, Airbnb is still a risky alternative.

The discussion was focused around the unknowns involved with those Airbnb-type of bookings, and how those unknowns can potentially impact the success of an assignment. With little-to-no regulation or quality oversight, employees take a risk on each booking. Another concern involves "home-sharing" solutions like Airbnb and its competitors being heavily lobbied against by the Hotel Industry. This lobbying is creating legislation that involves restrictions, and in some cities, elimination of these types of alternatives altogether. If Airbnb suffered a big loss in a city (think of the Uber ban in Austin, TX) where a company's employees were utilizing their services, it could distract from the goal of the assignment while the employees are scrambling for alternative lodging.

[caption id="attachment_304" align="alignright" width="300"]AirBNB Nightmare AirBNB Nightmare - Vice.com[/caption]

Another deterrent for employers who may be exploring Airbnb as a lodging alternative for its employees involves the negative press that spreads throughout social media when a "home-sharing" booking goes terribly wrong. Vice.com released an article this morning recounting some of the worst experiences ever reported with Airbnb experiences. If the stories of brothels, drug-dealing hosts and sardine-style sleeping arrangements don't scare employers away, the images included in the article certainly will. We've included a few as a preview, but you can view the entire article by visiting https://www.vice.com/read/strangest-airbnb-experiences-stories-876

Preferred Corporate Housing clients count on us to provide a home-like experience that is move-in ready and free of stress. HR and Talent Managers understand that employees need a stable, comfortable living experience in order to be productive and successful in their new assignments. Our furnished apartment solutions in residential communities provide the standardization, quality oversight and 24-hour service that are necessary for successful mobile assignments. If you are exploring lodging alternatives for your employees in order to create successful and productive assignments, call Preferred Corporate Housing to learn more about our solutions in more than 42,000 North American destinations. (800) 960-0102. www.corporates.com

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(13) "June 23, 2016" }
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(32) "Office Politics = Risky Business"
  string(4840) "Office PoliticsThe world often feels like a crazy place these days! It seems like each day brings a new headline that grabs our attention and forces us to take sides and promote our opinions. While it is important for each of us to feel like we have a voice and say in what's happening around us, it can also be counter-productive and distracting if those opinions creep into our workplaces. We came across this article posted by Derrick Perkins, and found it extremely valuable in light of the most-recent headlines and political banter. We've included the article below:

"Talking Politics at Work Poses Risk to Employers and Employees!" by Derrick Perkins

This election cycle seems to be sparking more office conflicts than previous campaigns, but talking politics at work is a risky proposition for employees and employers alike.

Strife from the divisive presidential campaign season is bleeding over into the workplace, according to a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management.

In a poll of 457 human resource professionals, 26 percent reported an increase in “perceived greater political volatility” in the office this election cycle. And the problems with talking politics at work may worsen as November approaches, said Evren Esen, SHRM’s director of survey research programs.

“Businesses need to be aware, even if they haven’t had any issues in the past, that this particular election cycle could be different,” Esen said.

For the purposes of SHRM’s survey, which was compiled in May, volatility means increased tension, hostility, or argumentation among coworkers directly related to the ongoing political battle for the White House, she said. SHRM released its findings at its annual convention earlier this month.

Of those surveyed, about 67 percent reported their organizations lacked a policy—written or otherwise—regulating political activities in the office. Esen believes that those that do likely adopted one after a workplace incident.

Regulating political speech is a tricky situation for employers, said Karen Glickstein, an attorney who specializes in employment law. She recently penned a column outlining tips and advice for supervisors after receiving a glut of inquiries—many related to on-the-job incidents—from clients.

Both employers and employees can take steps to protect themselves, Glickstein said. For supervisors, it can be as simple as reminding their staff about workplace harassment or discrimination policies. Employees, on the other hand, must recognize that the First Amendment does not always apply in the workplace, she said.

It’s a question that seems to come up with each election cycle, Glickstein said, though “I think it’s probably more this year than I can remember in past years.”

Where it gets trickier is during off hours, particularly with the rise of social media. Can action be taken against workers who list their employer on sites where they also espouse political views, like Twitter and Facebook? Not necessarily.

Though only four states explicitly protect workers engaging in political activity afterhours, Glickstein said the National Labor Relations Board increasingly has sided with employees disciplined for politicking outside of the office.

But “every situation is going to be different,” she said.

SHRM, which hasn’t before gauged the amount of workplace incidents stemming from political disagreements, plans to follow up in October. Esen said reaction from members has been positive so far, as many recognize that it could become an issue.

“Not a lot of organizations have policies, but this is something to consider and talk to employees about as well,” Esen said. “Even if they don’t have a formal policy, even if it’s kind of unwritten, encourage employees to be respectful of diversity. Really, this falls into the diversity of ideas and opinions and attitudes. Regardless of whether people agree with each other, they do need to respect one another.”"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 13, 2016"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(83) "Preferred Corporate Housing Director earns Global Mobility Specialist® Designation"
  string(2315) "gms-logoMichelle Velasquez, Preferred Corporate Housing’s Director of Client Services, has earned the certified Global Mobility Specialist® (GMS) designation.

This designation is another example of Preferred Corporate Housing’s commitment to continuing education and professional development of its team members, and also signifies PCH’s dedication to providing its clients with relocation and temporary housing expertise.

The Global Mobility Specialist (GMS®) designation, administered by the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC), signifies that a person is specialized in the field of global workforce mobility and is committed to ongoing industry education and outreach. Achieving the GMS® designation classifies individuals as subject matter experts and industry leaders across the mobility arena.

The Worldwide ERC is the workforce mobility association for professionals who oversee, manage, or support U.S. domestic and international employee relocation. The organization was founded in 1964 to help members overcome the challenges of workforce mobility.

To achieve the GMS designation, Michelle completed courses on the following topics:

Michelle joins an elite group of other mobility professionals from 51 countries around the world who have also earned the GMS designation. As a result, she has acquired extensive global mobility knowledge on up-to-the-minute topics affecting the industry and the professionals who support it.

About Preferred Corporate Housing: Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2016 Fortune 500 list."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(18) "September 13, 2016"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(90) "Preferred Corporate Housing listed as one of the Largest Woman-Owned Businesses in Houston"
  string(1655) "houston-business-journalThe Houston Business Journal released its annual “Largest Woman-Owned Businesses” list earlier this month. This list includes the top 25 Houston-based companies that are at least 51 percent owned by women. Preferred Corporate Housing is pleased to have been listed as the 17th Largest Woman-Owned Business in Houston according to HBJ’s rankings.

“Corporate diversity plays a significant role in our day-to-day partnerships and transactions. We seek out diverse suppliers and sub-contractors to help us service our national corporate housing clients, so it is nice to be recognized because of our ownership diversity as well,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing.

This list highlights a variety of industries and ownership backgrounds, but the common denominator for all 25 companies is the strength and commitment of each female owner to lead by example, be adaptable in changing environments, and to remain focused on innovation.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2016 Fortune 500 list."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "October 11, 2016"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(73) "PCH Team Member Joins Houston Relocation Professionals Board of Directors"
  string(1346) ""michelle-velasquez-highresPreferred Corporate Housing is proud to announce that our Director of Client Services, Michelle Velasquez, has been appointed to the Board of Directors for the Houston Relocation Professionals organization.

Houston Relocation Professionals (HRP) was founded by a small group of global mobility professionals in the Houston area for the purpose of providing education and networking opportunities to the local relocation and human resource communities.  Today HRP has a membership of over 200 mobility professionals from within the Greater Houston area, as well as from many other locations throughout the United States. Michelle joins an elite group of current Board Members from all facets of the relocation industry.

"I'm excited for the knowledge-share, continued professional development and networking opportunities to come within the organization," said Michelle. "Our goal is to increase the value that HRP provides for its members, and I can't wait to do my part to help achieve that goal"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(17) "December 16, 2016"
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(63) "Preferred Corporate Housing Shortlisted for Americas EMMA Award"
  string(3129) "

AMERICAS_EMMAS_17_BUTTONPreferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 42,000 North American destinations, has been shortlisted for the Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) annual EMMA award for “2017 Corporate Housing Provider of the Year.”

“We are honored to be included in this exclusive list of recognized temporary housing providers by one of the relocation industry’s leading organizations,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “FEM is quickly becoming a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes,” said Elliott.

The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs), “celebrate excellence in global mobility. With over 20 categories, these awards truly recognize leaders, business successes and rising stars,” as described on the FEM website. “We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services for PCH. “We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because its the way they’ve always been done,” said Velasquez. “Our goal is clear,” said Elliott. “We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being included in this prestigious list is proof that we are on the right track,” said Elliott.   The final award winners will be announced at the black tie gala event on May 4th at the Marriott City Center in Denver, CO.   About Preferred Corporate Housing Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2014 Fortune 500 list.   Press & Media Contact For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com." ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(13) "March 9, 2017" }
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(74) "Company-Sponsored Intern Housing: Three Reasons to Include in Your Program"
  string(5674) "Intern Program HousingAsk an intern what’s the most stressful part about accepting an out-of-town position and chances are you’ll hear: “Short term housing.” Ask an employer what’s the most stressful part of hiring interns from out of town and they will probably say the same thing.

Short term housing is one of the most crucial, yet challenging, intern program benefits to administer. The stresses of finding and securing a place to live for three months can result in anxiety for both you and your relocating intern, and if not done correctly, can lead to huge cost implications and failed assignments.

Some companies may offer a lump sum to help their interns, but this option may not eliminate as much stress as many Program Managers would hope. A lump sum requires the intern to research the housing market, find a suitable option on their own, and possibly still front the rental costs. Without direction and assistance from Program Managers, lump sum programs typically result in confusion and create additional risks to the overall success of intern assignments.

To attract top talent and ensure success for your Intern program, providing vetted short term housing options and paying some (or all) of the associated costs for short term housing has proven to be most-effective. Here are three reasons why.

1. Quality Control Assurance

Interns who are tasked to find their own housing for the summer are almost always going to look for the cheapest option. Because most interns are financially strapped college students, it’s not likely that they’ll be willing or able to drop several thousand dollars on a place to live for three months. The result could be disastrous for both you and your interns.

Many platforms targeted specifically for interns offer deals that are sometimes too good to be true, and they unfortunately prey on naïve victims. Asking interns to wire rent money or give up personally identifiable information can be “red flags” that your interns may not notice. Rental scams have become more common over the last few years and interns looking for the best deals can sometimes fall victim to these schemes. Interns who are not familiar with housing best-practices and quality control checkpoints may be at the most risk.

Another consideration is the quality of housing your interns will have if they look for the cheapest option.  While there’s nothing wrong with affordable housing, it’s important that your interns feel comfortable with the place where they will be living over the course of their internship. If your interns are living in area that’s unsafe or an apartment that’s unclean and poorly cared for, it could affect their performance at work and their attitude about the internship.

Providing short term housing options puts you in control of the housing experience your interns will receive. If you can work with your temporary housing partner to provide an approved list of housing options and are willing to subsidize some (or all) of the rent, you can ensure that your intern class isn’t going to be subjected to rental scams or choose housing based solely on price. A negative housing experience can negatively impact your intern’s overall impression of your program, but demonstrating that you care about the living conditions of your interns will contribute to a positive impression of the company and possibly affect the likelihood of them accepting a full-time offer

2. Timing is Everything

Did you know that some programs start securing their intern housing more than a year before the actual stay? Timing is everything in short-term housing. If interns start looking too early, the options they find may not still be available by the time they’re ready to sign a lease. If they start looking too late, they may miss out altogether.

Companies that offer sponsored lodging arrangements for their intern programs have the benefit of working with trusted, experienced temporary housing providers who can utilize their own buying power and industry relationships to create the best possible solutions for each intern. By utilizing the expert knowledge of a trusted temporary housing provider, you can ensure your interns will not be left in the lurch.

3. Reduces Intern Anxiety

Finding viable housing for their stay in addition to mentally preparing for their new role within your company creates an enormous amount of stress for new interns. Chances are, your interns have never done this before. They are used to college dorms or signing year-long apartment leases in student-friendly communities. The interns’ lack of experience with the nuances of short-term housing may create frustration and anxiety, causing them to begin their assignment with a negative impression of their new company.

Unfortunately, as many of us may know all too well, this stress related to intern housing won’t be restricted to just your interns. You’ll be feeling it too. One-off questions will be coming at you from various interns at various times throughout the process.

By investing the time and energy up front to create a relocation benefit for short-term housing, and working with a dedicated, experienced temporary housing provider, your company can continue to attract the top talent and ensure their focus remains on the job at hand."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(14) "March 20, 2017"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(101) "Preferred Corporate Housing Honored at FEM Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs)"
  string(2577) "

FEM Runner UPOn Thursday May 4 2017, the winners of this year’s FEM EMMAs were announced at a glittering gala dinner at the Denver City Center Marriott, Denver, CO.

The FEM EMMAs are the premier awards for the global mobility and HR industry and on Thursday night, following a highly successful two-day Summit key figures, leaders and companies gathered to celebrate the brightest and best in the Americas.

Preferred Corporate Housing was honored to be recognized as Runner Up for “Corporate Housing Provider of the Year,” a category with eight other shortlisted companies competing for the title. “This award has grown in popularity over recent years, and is highly competitive because of the high bar set by all entered nominees,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services for Preferred Corporate Housing. “We are proud of our accomplishments over the past years that have led to awards and recognition such as this,” said Velasquez.

Earlier this year, Preferred Corporate Housing received the ‘Supplier of the Year’ award from the global relocation management company, MoveCenter. “Being recognized at such a high level by the Forum for Expatriate Management and the panel of Human Resource and Mobility Professionals is another testament to the dedication of our team,” said Jon Lanclos, PCH Founder. “The team’s commitment to exceptional service, along with their ability to personalize each transferee’s relocation experience are the keys that continue to drive Preferred Corporate Housing’s success,” said Lanclos.

About Preferred Corporate Housing: Preferred Corporate Housing recently celebrated its 20th year servicing temporary housing needs in more than 42,000 global destinations. PCH’s unique low-overhead model provides flexibility in location, budget and customization. With the ability to service remote locations along with the major cities, and dedication to creating the perfect solution for each unique need, PCH is the go-to choice of more than twenty-five relocation management companies and corporate-direct clients.

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(12) "May 15, 2017" }
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(52) "Post-Vacay Blues: How to Get Your Office Groove Back"
  string(2922) "back to workEven if you love your job as much as we love ours, getting back into the groove of things after a vacation can be quite challenging, especially if it was after an extended holiday. From the email backlog to nonstop “catch-up” meetings and events, sometimes your body is present at the office while your mind is still enjoying the sandy beaches and pina coladas! Everyone needs a break now and then to decompress and forget the duties and responsibilities of business, but the key to making the most of your stress-reducing vacation is knowing how to effectively get back in the swing of things after taking time off. Here are a few tips to ensure your return to work is smooth sailing:

1. Check out...but Check-In - A recent Harris poll of 2,071 US workers showed that 6 out of 10 people said checking their emails while on vacation made it easier for them to ease back into work. Staying in touch with the office, even if just to keep a watchful eye from afar, helps relieve that anxious feeling when its time to return.

2. Use that last day of vacation as a “rest and recovery” day - Take the last day off to rebound from your vacation. Relax and enjoy some quiet time. Turn in early and get a good night’s rest. Don’t wait to sleep on the plane or use the last few hours to down the remaining shots of tequila. Use the last day to transition back to the reality version of yourself so you’ll be prepared for the next day to work.

3. Keep your mood upbeat - If you just left the Mexican resort of your dreams, why not listen to the music that reminds you of all the fun you had while you’re on your way in to the office. Throw in a quick cardio workout to get the endorphins flowing and help you rebound from all the guacamole and margaritas. Start your day back to work in a great mood and hold on to it as long as possible.

4. Keep things simple and stick to a game plan - Not all 280 new emails need to be answered within the first hour of your arrival back. Prioritize by importance/urgency and don’t get overwhelmed. Follow up, in detail, with the people who have an immediate demand, and for those who don’t, send a quick email saying you will soon follow up.

5. Reassess your goals - Chances are, that tropical vacation and whatever took you out of your groove is probably still on your mind. Get your mind back to the present by writing out your goals for the upcoming week. Reassess what you want to accomplish now that you’re back in the swing of things, and you may even have a fresh perspective now that you’ve had a chance to clear your head."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "June 19, 2017"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(52) "Background Checks – Why You Should Be On Board"
  string(4857) "Background checkThe use of tenant screening, more commonly referred to as “background checks,” is consistently growing in popularity throughout multi-family apartment leasing. These days just about every landlord and property manager utilize some sort of credit and rental history screening process for the financially-responsible party, but the additional integration of criminal background checks for residents is becoming just as commonplace. In the past 24 months, Preferred Corporate Housing has seen a significant increase in our partner communities requiring specific guest information for each occupant so that criminal background checks can be performed. While each property management company has it’s own criteria used to evaluate applicants, PCH has found that communities are relying on guidelines and recommendations from their local civil authorities. With many states, municipalities and federal agencies like Homeland Security integrating legislation requiring the tracking of criminal offenders and sexual predators, apartment communities may be required by local law to perform these tenant screenings.

“PCH provided our fully furnished apartments in all 50 U.S. states in 2016, and we’ve seen an uptick in background checks/tenant screening processes in every state we serviced,” said Anna Schoephoerster, Senior National Account Executive for Preferred Corporate Housing. “This is a welcome trend for our clients from our perspective because even though it may cause a bit more paperwork on the front-end, added criminal screenings is a way to improve safety across the board for our corporate clients,” said Schoephoerster.

Another reason multi-families are adding these types of criminal screenings to their leasing process is in effort to eliminate “negligent leasing.” This is a widely used term in the multi-family rental industry used to describe a rental situation go awry due to lack of due diligence and pre-screening on the part of the community management. Negligent leasing is a real concern today as properties can potentially avoid theft, violence and damages by simply running a criminal history check on guests before accepting them to their property. Fair Housing laws require that if any screening of this nature is performed on one potential resident, it must be applied to all potential residents across the board.

“We prefer to place our corporate clients at communities that require these type of criminal screenings for guests because it adds a bit more peace-of-mind about the neighborhood,” said Megan Margetusakis, Director of Operations for PCH. “Our clients have an expectation of safety when they stay with us, and while we can’t guarantee that crime won’t happen, we can do our due diligence to reduce the risk by placing them in communities with resident screening requirements.”

Although resident screening services can potentially weed out unwanted, potentially dangerous neighbors, many corporate clients have balked at the requirements to provide the personal information needed to complete these screenings for their corporate travelers. This hesitancy is not due to fear that their employees will not pass the screenings, but rather protection of their employees’ personally identifiable information. Drivers License numbers, date of birth, and even social security numbers are often required for these screenings. International travelers may even be asked to provide copies of their passports.

“The most important thing for corporate travel and mobility managers to understand when it comes to resident screening requirements is that we must abide by the community requirements when placing your employees in our furnished apartments,” said Margetusakis. “Because of Fair Housing and other local laws, we do not have the ability waive these requirements on a case by case basis for any guest or employee. What we can offer are secure ways to provide the required personal information that doesn’t violate the company’s PII policy and/or place the employee at risk for PII exposure.” said Margetusakis.

Tenant screening, background checks, criminal history review...they are all here to stay, and it is highly-likely that their inclusion in rental approval processes will continue to gain popularity throughout the country. Corporate Travel and Mobility Managers should be prepared to counsel their employees on this requirement and talk through best-practices and safe methods for providing the necessary personal information for these screenings."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "June 19, 2017"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(69) "Preferred Corporate Housing Adds New Director of Business Development"
  string(2298) "
Andrew HeadshotPreferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 42,000 global destinations, is pleased to announce the addition of Andrew Cramer to their Business Development Team. A graduate of Abilene Christian University, Andrew brings a passion for helping companies get the most value from their temporary housing spend. His previous experience in relationship-building and process management will help serve and grow PCH’s existing global client base.
“We know Andrew will be an excellent asset to our team because of his tenacity, corporate experience, and ability to establish great partnerships with those that are in need of our services,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. "Andrew has already made significant contributions for us and is excited about the growth opportunities with Preferred Corporate Housing and the corporate housing industry as a whole."
About Preferred Corporate Housing (PCH):
Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the Fortune 500 list.
Press & Media Contact
For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com.
" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(17) "November 14, 2017" }
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(73) "Michelle Velasquez Honored with Worldwide ERC® Meritorious Service Award"
  string(3672) "michelle-velasquez-highresMichelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services with Preferred Corporate Housing, has earned a Meritorious Service Award from Worldwide ERC®, the workforce mobility association. The award was announced on February 2nd, 2018, and will be presented at the Worldwide ERC® Americas Mobility Conference in Dallas, TX on May 17, 2018.

The Worldwide ERC® Service Recognition Awards Program was established in 1989 to honor members who voluntarily share their time, talent and expertise through various contributions to the association. Of its more than 3,000 Global Members, less than 1% of mobility professionals have received the Meritorious Service Award.

Michelle earned this award for her individual contributions to the organization, including serving on the Conference Planning and YP40 Committees, thought leadership via industry-steering Focus Groups and article contributions to MOBILITY Magazine©. Michelle also holds the Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designation from Worldwide ERC.

Since 1964, Worldwide ERC® has been the voice, community and professional membership organization for workforce mobility professionals; growing in relevance, authority and integrity as its reach expands globally and across industries. Volunteer insight and participation play an integral role in the organization’s foundation of knowledge, its quality of networking and benchmarking, and pool of expertise. Worldwide ERC® is honored to congratulate and formally recognize its dedicated members for their contributions to its significant talent management role in the world’s workforce.

About Preferred Corporate Housing: Preferred Corporate Housing, a 20-year industry leader for furnished temporary housing, provides service to more than 42,000 global destinations. PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the 2014 Fortune 500 list.

About Worldwide ERC®: Since 1964, Worldwide ERC® has been committed to connecting and educating workforce mobility professionals across the globe. A global not-for-profit organization, Worldwide ERC® is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices in London and Shanghai, and is the source of global mobility knowledge and innovation in talent management from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, to Asia and across the Americas. For more information, visit www.WorldwideERC.org. Worldwide ERC® Contact: Kristin White, Senior Manager, Communications and Marketing. kwhite@WorldwideERC.org +1 703 842 3417.

Press & Media Contact: For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – +1 713 722 0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com"
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(16) "February 2, 2018"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(106) "Preferred Corporate Housing Honored at the Expatriate Mobility Management Awards (EMMAs) gala in San Diego"
  string(3085) "EMMA 2018Preferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 42,000 North American destinations, was honored as one of the top 3 corporate housing providers at the recent Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) annual EMMA awards black-tie gala, receiving “Runner Up” honors from the judging panel. This marks the third consecutive year of recognition from FEM in this category for Preferred Corporate Housing.

“We are honored to be recognized as one of the best temporary housing providers by one of mobility’s leading organizations,” said Samantha Elliott, CRP, CCHP, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “The Forum for Expatriate Management is a go-to resource for knowledge-sharing, best practices and partnership within the global talent and mobility industry, and we are thrilled to be considered one of the best corporate housing providers in their eyes,” said Elliott.

The annual Americas Expatriate Management and Mobility Awards (EMMAs) winners, were decided by a prestigious panel judges from within the relocation industry, including Human Resources, Talent and Mobility Managers from corporations around the world, including several Fortune 100 and 500 companies.

“We believe we continue to achieve successes and honors such as this because our entire team is committed to innovation and excellence in the temporary housing services we provide,” said Jon Lanclos, Founder of PCH. “We work each day to find new and exciting ways to improve the guest experience, and we never settle for doing things just because it’s the way they’ve always been done,” said Lanclos.

“Our goal is clear,” said Elliott. “We want to be the best temporary housing provider with the best team, the best options, the best tools and the best prices. Being recognized by these industry leaders in this prestigious category is proof that we are on the right track,” said Elliott.

About Preferred Corporate Housing

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 42,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the Fortune 500 list.

Press & Media Contact

For questions or commentary about trends in the corporate housing industry, if you would like to collaborate on story development, or if you are looking for a corporate housing subject-matter expert (SME) to serve as a speaker/panelist at your next conference or trade show, please inquire with our media relations contact to arrange an interview with a Preferred Corporate Housing executive. Michelle Velasquez – (800) 960-0102 ext 21, michelle@corporates.com."
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(12) "May 30, 2018"
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(33) "The Best Team in the Business!!!!"
  string(316) "

PCH Bitmojis

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(13) "June 14, 2018" }
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(67) "PCH Team Learns New Ways to Provide ‘Celebrity Service’"
  string(1785) "Training PhotoLast week the entire PCH Team came together for a day of celebration, commradery and continued reenforcement of the 'Celebrity Service' techniques offered to its Global client network. In a pep-rally styled training session, the Founder of the 'Celebrity Service' model, Geoff Ramm, led PCH Team Members through 2-minute brainstorming sessions, creative service drills and anecdotal examples of exceptional service.

"Continued reinforcement and training around our service skills doesn't just offer more value for our clients, it also allows our team to have greater insight into the value they bring to our organization," said Samantha Elliott, President of PCH. "A company that invests in training shows their employees that they care about continual development and progress. In turn this makes employees more engaged in the company and therefore more motivated," said Elliott.

"This was one of the best service training sessions I have ever been a part of," said Courtney Mach, Account Manager with PCH. "He didn't just tell us what to do, he showed us how to think differently and how to apply the 'celebrity service' model to all aspects of our day-to-day," said Mach.

"The message I took away from the day was to be sure to apply the 'celebrity service' model to interactions with my co-workers as well, not just my clients," said Krystal Martinez, Client Services Manager with PCH. "It is really important that members of my team know how much I value them too!""
  string(8) "michelle"
  string(13) "July 25, 2018"
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(48) "PCH Director wins CHPA Tower of Excellence Award"
  string(4167) "

Preferred Corporate Housing is excited to announce that Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services, has been named “Individual Member of the Year” at this year’s Corporate Housing Providers Association Tower of Excellence Awards.

CHPA held its Tower of Excellence Awards ceremony on Wednesday, February 6th, in conjunction with the CHPA Annual Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This ceremony included awards given in 7 different categories, including Best Philanthropic/Community Program, Company of the Year and Individual of the Year. This year’s ‘Individual of the Year’ honor was awarded to Michelle Velasquez.

“Michelle has dedicated the last 10 years of her career to the expansion of the Corporate Housing industry and exponential growth of Preferred Corporate Housing,” said Samantha Elliott, PCH President. “We see her commitment to excellence every day in the ways she leads our team and her unwaivering support of our global clients. She deserves this honor,” said Elliott.

The CHPA Individual of the Year Tower of Excellence Award is given to an outstanding employee, executive or owner who has demonstrated commitment and excellence within their company and the corporate housing industry as a whole. This person has proven financial growth year over year, exceeded guest expectations measured by survey results or testimonials, served CHPA through committee leadership or other volunteerism, developed strong partnerships with other corporate housing providers and supplier partners, served in leadership roles with other associations (ERC, NAA, etc.), and created new programs to enhance their business and the corporate housing industry as a whole. This award recognizes their support and acknowledges their diligence, service dedication and industry involvement.

About Michelle Velasquez, GMS, CCHP:

As the Director of Client Services for Preferred Corporate Housing, Michelle oversees all day-to-day tasks relating to sales, new client development, existing client retention, onboarding and industry training initiatives. Michelle is the current Chair of Worldwide ERC’s YP40 Committee, is a regular contributor for Mobility Magazine and was a 2018 recipient of WERC’s Meritorious Service Award.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing, a 20+ year industry leader for furnished temporary housing, provides service to more than 42,000 global destinations. PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 Fortune 100/500 companies.

About CHPA:

CHPA is the only trade association dedicated exclusively to the corporate housing industry. The association advances the highest standards in business and professionalism; provides valuable insight, knowledge and resources to the industry; and increases visibility among related industries. Along with networking, education, certification, and information sharing, CHPA members grow their business and expand their reach through an international network of partners.

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(17) "February 18, 2019" }
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(86) "Preferred Corporate Housing Welcomes Return of Industry Rock Star to its Services Team"
  string(2259) "

Preferred Corporate Housing, a leading provider of temporary lodging solutions in more than 75,000 global destinations, is pleased to announce the return of Kimberlee Thomas to its Client Development Team.

Kimberlee is returning to the PCH Team after an eight year hiatus from the temporary housing industry. After a relocation to Miami, Kim spent her time away from PCH developing a successful concierge/event planning company providing VIP services to corporate executives, professional athletes, foreign dignitaries and celebrities. In Kim’s new role as Director of Client Partnerships for PCH, she will help serve and grow PCH’s existing global client base.

“We are thrilled to have Kim back on our team,” said Samantha Elliott, PCH President. “She’s always had a passion for helping companies get the most value from their temporary housing spend, and will combine that with her recent successes in providing VIP service to global clientele. Its a win-win for PCH and our clients,” said Elliott.

PCH is pioneering several forward-thinking initiatives within the temporary housing space to help companies source and secure housing solutions for their employees in more efficient and agile ways. Kim will be on the forefront of bringing these initiatives to companies who may currently be struggling with the rising costs and layered inefficiencies that exist in the temp housing space today.

About Preferred Corporate Housing (PCH):

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 75,000 locations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the Fortune 500 list.

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(13) "June 28, 2019" }
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(77) "Preferred Corporate Housing Shortlisted for Two ARC Relocation Partner Awards"
  string(3525) "

ARC Relocation, an industry leader for Employee Relocation Management Services, released the shortlist of finalists for their annual ARC Awards. The ARC Awards include finalists in five categories including Innovation, Inspiration, Accountability, Team Work and Transforming Perspectives.

Bill Mulholland, Director of ARC Relocation described the ARC Awards with the following statement: “Like most Relocation Management Companies, ARC Relocation tracks a number of metrics in an effort to measure “performance”. However at ARC we realize that we are only able to offer our clients and transferee’s the best pricing and the best service in the relocation industry if we are able to partner with the best service providers in each market. These metrics are important but the intangibles are what separates a good service provider from an amazing service provider. The intangibles cannot be measured through metrics. As with all things that we do at ARC we have a commitment to take the examination of service providers deeper than the industry norm. As such, the categories for awards at ARC are not just based on statistics but rather the very core values and mission that ARC embraces.”

Preferred Corporate Housing has been named as a finalist in two award categories; Team Work and Transforming Perspectives. The Team Work category finalists include companies who embrace a positive culture and are here to support one another both personally and professionally. The Transforming Perspectives category is extra special because it is also the theme for the upcoming ARC Client Forum taking place in Puerto Rico on November 12 - 15.

Preferred Corporate Housing is honored to be included in this shortlist of finalists with other amazing service providers representing all facets of the relocation industry. “Much of the success of our partnership with ARC can be attributed back to the amazing people on their team,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services with PCH. “The ARC Team keeps the human side of what we do on the forefront of every interaction, and they ensure their partners are set up for success with their clients. We all win together,” said Velasquez.

Award winners from all categories will be announced at the black tie Gala Event and Awards Ceremony on November 14th at the close their Transforming Perspectives Client Forum event.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services across North America for more than 20 years. With service to more than 75,000 destinations, PCH has become a go-to resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the Fortune 500 list.

About ARC Relocation:

At ARC we pride ourselves on our VIP customer service to both the relocating employee and the employer. Through both our extensive in-house employee-training program and our performance with the industry’s top service providers, ARC has raised the bar on customer satisfaction. ARC is the recipient of numerous awards and is known in the relocation industry as the “best of the best!”

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(16) "October 22, 2019" }
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(34) "PCH Wins Partner of the Year Award"
  string(2239) "

On Tuesday, February 4th, the Preferred Corporate Housing team attended Synergy Global Housing’s 2019 Partner Symposium in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This event brought together housing suppliers from all over the world to discuss industry best practices, Synergy’s aggressive growth projections and how Synergy’s supply partners play an integral role in serving its guests to facilitate that growth.

The Symposium wrapped with Synergy recognizing its supply partners of the year, both domestic and international. The executive leadership team at Synergy along with its client-facing counselor team identified the top four suppliers in both the domestic and international markets.Preferred Corporate Housing was proud to be named as a 2019 Domestic Winner of Synergy’s Partner of the Year Award.

“Synergy is an amazing partner,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services with PCH. “Our company cultures align perfectly, and this facilitates a partnership that allows PCH to support Synergy’s global clients, provide personalized, top notch service, and continue to create innovative housing solutions.”

Synergy’s 2019 Partner of the Year winners were selected based on the following criteria:

Other Partner of the Year winners include CWS, Suite Home Corporate Housing, Nika Corporate Housing, Clarendon Serviced Apartments, Supercity, Pan Pacific and P.Martinez. Preferred Corporate Housing is proud to be included in the company of these great partners.

" ["thumbnail"]=> bool(false) ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(16) "October 22, 2019" }
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(74) "PCH wins ‘Transforming Perspectives’ Award from ARC Relocation"
  string(4206) "

ARC Relocation, an industry leader for global employee relocation management services, hosted its first annual client and supplier forum in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This conference, a first of its kind, sought to ‘Transform Perspectives’ of the attendees in many different ways.

Bill Mulholland, Director of ARC Relocation explained the conference theme this way. “Our Mission Statement and theme of this event of ‘Transforming Perspectives’ can mean many different things. Our goal for this event was to transform the perspective people have about Puerto Rico, about ARC Relocation and about how relocation conferences should be” said Mulholland.

The three-day learning and collaboration event concluded with the ARC Relocation Supplier Awards black-tie gala, where suppliers were honored in the following ARC Core Value categories: Innovation, Inspiration, Accountability, Team Work and Transforming Perspectives.

Preferred Corporate Housing was honored as the winner of the Transforming Perspectives award. “Our highest award is our Mission Statement Award - Transforming Perspectives,” said Bill Mulholland. “PCH received an overwhelming amount of votes for this award from the ARC Team because they consistently transform our perspectives about temporary housing and personalized service for our clients,” said Mulholland.

“The ARC Team have always been fantastic partners with PCH because they see client relationships and service from the same lens we do,” said Samantha Elliott, President of Preferred Corporate Housing. “In today’s experience-based culture, transferees are looking for personalized service with solutions that are custom-designed for their specific needs. The ARC Team always helps us provide those solutions in the way they communicate their clients’ needs and expectations throughout the relocation process,” said Elliott.

“The thing I appreciate most about working with the ARC Team is the genuine value they place on partnerships with their suppliers,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services for PCH. “The standards for success are clearly outlined by the ARC Team, and there is a true collaboration for the best ways to achieve that success together. We are so honored to receive this award from their team,” said Velasquez.

About Preferred Corporate Housing:

Preferred Corporate Housing has been providing furnished temporary housing services for relocating employees, corporate travel programs and Relocation Management Companies for more than 20 years. With service to more than 75,000 destinations, PCH has become a go-to employee lodging resource for more than 8,000 local, national and global clients including 413 companies on the Fortune 500 list.

About ARC Relocation:

At ARC we pride ourselves on our VIP customer service to both the relocating employee and the employer. Through both our extensive in-house employee-training program and our performance with the industry’s top service providers, ARC has raised the bar on customer satisfaction. ARC is the recipient of numerous awards and is known in the relocation industry as the “best of the best!”

" ["thumbnail"]=> string(81) "https://corporates.com/blog-old/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Arc-Awards-Photo-2.jpg" ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(17) "November 21, 2019" }
object(stdClass)#2 (5) {
  string(51) "PCH Director Featured on Popular Relocation Podcast"
  string(1141) "

Michelle Velasquez, PCH's Director of Client Services, was a guest on the widely popular 'Love + Relo' podcast hosted by Ben Cross. The hour-long conversation covered topics including how PCH is responding to COVID19, how the temporary housing industry is being impacted overall, changes to best practices and protocols, the new normal, and personal growth/motivation tips to keep positive during this stressful time.

"Ben is a great friend and he is amazing at connecting people within the industry to discuss the most-relevant topics," said Michelle. "It was an honor to be a guest on his show, and I loved every second of it!"

To watch the live podcast, visit https://youtu.be/xeFZyLLfPps

" ["thumbnail"]=> string(99) "https://corporates.com/blog-old/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screen-Shot-2020-04-09-at-6.19.59-PM.jpg" ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(13) "April 9, 2020" }
object(stdClass)#1 (5) {
  string(104) "PCH wins “Company of the Year” and “Innovation of the Year” Tower of Excellence Awards from CHPA"
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The Corporate Housing Providers Association held its highly-anticipated annual awards event last month to recognize and honor companies who have achieved marked industry success throughout the past year. This year’s event was held in a virtual ceremony where more than 250 corporate housing professionals gathered online for the award announcements.

For the second consecutive year, Preferred Corporate Housing was named as the Corporate Housing Providers Association “Company of the Year - Large Provider.” Samantha Elliott, President of PCH accepted the award and later shared the following comments. “This was such an unexpected win!” Said Elliott. “It is extremely rare for the same company to receive this honor two years in a row, and with the unprecedented events of 2020, this award truly validates all the amazing work our team put in to ensuring our service never waivered.”

As the award presentation continued, PCH was honored once again by receiving “Innovation of the Year” recognition, the pinnacle award of the event. 

This award is given to one provider company to recognize significant progress in innovative advancements related to the corporate housing industry. This often includes new products, technology, process improvements, software or other innovations which solve current industry challenges.

Referencing Preferred Corporate Housing’s partnership with Airbnb, this “Innovation of the Year” Award highlighted the forward-thinking opportunities that allowed PCH to capture demand and create solutions for a new segment of travelers who had previously not sourced corporate apartments for their lodging needs. By building a program in partnership with the world’s largest online lodging marketplace, PCH was able to create a more agile and instantaneous solution for booking furnished apartments, ensuring future relevency for PCH and the corporate housing industry.

“Thousands of hours of design-thinking, implementation, re-design and collaboration have gone into this program,” said Michelle Velasquez, Director of Client Services for PCH. “We had a vision for the direction we thought future travelers would be going, and we worked as a team to steer our program solutions in that same direction. Receiving the ‘Innovation of the Year Award’ from CHPA is truly one of the highlights of my career,” said Velasquez.

About Preferred Corporate Housing (PCH):

Preferred Corporate Housing, a global leader in creating personalized corporate lodging solutions, has serviced over 16.4 million room nights, provided housing solutions in more than 75,000 cities across North America, and housed employees from 6,000+ national and global companies, including 427 Fortune 100/500 companies. PCH offers the largest selection of furnished housing solutions, including long and short-term furnished apartments, hotels and extended-stay options in major markets, remote destinations and all the cities in-between! PCH maintains ultimate quality control as the direct lodging source, and creates personalized guest experiences for each unique housing request. With the best team in temporary housing, PCH will ensure your employees are matched with solutions that fit their specific needs as they get settled in to their home away from home! PCH is ‘Your Permanent Solution for Temporary Housing Nationwide!”

About Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA):

The Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is a professional trade association exclusively dedicated to supporting corporate housing providers around the world. With more than 300 member companies worldwide, CHPA is where corporate housing companies and professionals succeed. Members include providers and industry vendors that are invaluable partners to the industry’s success.

" ["thumbnail"]=> string(76) "https://corporates.com/blog-old/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/FEM-Runner-UP.jpg" ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(14) "March 23, 2021" }
object(stdClass)#3 (5) {
  string(79) "Preferred Corporate Housing Welcomes Corporate Housing Industry Veteran to Team"
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Preferred Corporate Housing, a global leader in creating personalized corporate lodging solutions, is pleased to announce the addition of Jason Rolince to the team. Jason, a 20+ year corporate housing industry veteran, comes to PCH from previous leadership roles in Business Development and Operations within the industry.

Throughout 2020, Preferred Corporate Housing experienced exponential growth despite the unprecedented events and impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic. This growth along with the launch and quick scale of PCH’s partnership with Airbnb has provided opportunities to grow the team as well.

“We have known Jason as a colleague and a friend since we began attending CHPA conferences in the early 2000s. When the opportunity to add to our leadership team came, he was a natural first choice. His reputation of exceptional service standards and relationship-building abilities made him the perfect fit for our team,” said Jon Lanclos, Founder of Preferred Corporate Housing.

“We have our sights set on really big things for PCH in the coming months. Bringing Jason on with our team will help us navigate our future and scale in ways that ensure our current and future clients continue to receive the exceptional service we promise to deliver,” said Samantha Elliott, PCH President.

PCH was recently named as the Corporate Housing Providers Association “Company of the Year - Large Provider” for the second consecutive year, and also received the CHPA “Innovation of the Year” award for its partnership with Airbnb. “This is an amazing opportunity to join a team that has consistently shown inspirational leadership, a team-centric culture while being focused quality of service, industry innovation and exponential growth,” said Rolince. “PCH has empowered me to bring my experience, knowledge and forward-thinking mentality to seamlessly join forces with what I have revered as one of the best corporate housing teams in the industry.” 

About Preferred Corporate Housing (PCH):

Preferred Corporate Housing, a global leader in creating personalized corporate lodging solutions, has serviced over 16.4 million room nights, provided housing solutions in more than 82,000 cities across North America, and housed employees from 6,000+ national and global companies, including 427 Fortune 100/500 companies. PCH offers the largest selection of furnished housing solutions, including long and short-term furnished apartments, hotels and extended-stay options in major markets, remote destinations and all the cities in-between! PCH maintains ultimate quality control as the direct lodging source, and creates personalized guest experiences for each unique housing request. With the best team in temporary housing, PCH will ensure your employees are matched with solutions that fit their specific needs as they get settled in to their home away from home! PCH is ‘Your Permanent Solution for Temporary Housing Nationwide!”

" ["thumbnail"]=> string(72) "https://corporates.com/blog-old/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/MSI-Photo.jpg" ["author"]=> string(8) "michelle" ["date"]=> string(14) "March 24, 2021" }